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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS

I have been having an absolute nightmare with listings being suppressed due to "colour not provided". Some of these listings are two years old and all of a sudden they have become suppressed, even though colour WAS provided. I created all of these listings. I sent an email to the as I suspect this to be a bug as it ONLY happens for brands which are 'brand protected'.

Communication seemed positive until their reason has gone back full circle to this absolute disgrace of a reason. "Our internal team completed to review the issue and determined that the variation relationship is not approved because it does not follow Amazon's listing policy. We cannot share any information about the specifics factors behind the decision due to confidentiality."

CONFIDENTIALITY?! I created the listings! This is no way helpful! I have created over 200 variation listings and this issue only arises to brand protected listings (those with 96 hours approval). I have been back and to, to get approval for these brands again to remove suppresssion, but they keep becoming suppressed. This seems like a bug in Amazons systems and they are unwilling to have their technical team look into this.

If there is an Amazon employee here, please can you reach out

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Quote: "I sent an email to the "

Are these suppressed in UK, or US ? If UK, you should probably have emailed, not .com.

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Hello @Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Do you have a case ID for me so I can look into it for you?

Regards, Spencer

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Facing exactly same issue for the listings created by me. - Curse of error 8040 :)

last month leadership team solved and restored my listings but started facing same thing now.

This is amazon's backend system glitch, they are updating system and inventory software and each updates causes several issues.

Not sure about you but I am mostly FBA seller and units are at FC and on and average 10-30% FBA inventory are in search suppressed status.

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I had this issue last week. Two character brands that I list for suddenly all had the variation listings broken and some went to suppressed.

This then took up 5-6 hours of my time to correct the listings and get them back up once I had gained permission again to list them.

This is the second time this year it has happened.

It is a major bug with Amazon systems that causes this. I understand reviewing who has permission to list brands but twice in one year? The fact I then get reinstated both times show I have the rights to list them.

P.S. Where do I sent my invoice to Amazon to charge for the time to correct listings which shouldn't have got broken!

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS

I have been having an absolute nightmare with listings being suppressed due to "colour not provided". Some of these listings are two years old and all of a sudden they have become suppressed, even though colour WAS provided. I created all of these listings. I sent an email to the as I suspect this to be a bug as it ONLY happens for brands which are 'brand protected'.

Communication seemed positive until their reason has gone back full circle to this absolute disgrace of a reason. "Our internal team completed to review the issue and determined that the variation relationship is not approved because it does not follow Amazon's listing policy. We cannot share any information about the specifics factors behind the decision due to confidentiality."

CONFIDENTIALITY?! I created the listings! This is no way helpful! I have created over 200 variation listings and this issue only arises to brand protected listings (those with 96 hours approval). I have been back and to, to get approval for these brands again to remove suppresssion, but they keep becoming suppressed. This seems like a bug in Amazons systems and they are unwilling to have their technical team look into this.

If there is an Amazon employee here, please can you reach out

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS

by Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY

I have been having an absolute nightmare with listings being suppressed due to "colour not provided". Some of these listings are two years old and all of a sudden they have become suppressed, even though colour WAS provided. I created all of these listings. I sent an email to the as I suspect this to be a bug as it ONLY happens for brands which are 'brand protected'.

Communication seemed positive until their reason has gone back full circle to this absolute disgrace of a reason. "Our internal team completed to review the issue and determined that the variation relationship is not approved because it does not follow Amazon's listing policy. We cannot share any information about the specifics factors behind the decision due to confidentiality."

CONFIDENTIALITY?! I created the listings! This is no way helpful! I have created over 200 variation listings and this issue only arises to brand protected listings (those with 96 hours approval). I have been back and to, to get approval for these brands again to remove suppresssion, but they keep becoming suppressed. This seems like a bug in Amazons systems and they are unwilling to have their technical team look into this.

If there is an Amazon employee here, please can you reach out

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Quote: "I sent an email to the "

Are these suppressed in UK, or US ? If UK, you should probably have emailed, not .com.

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Hello @Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Do you have a case ID for me so I can look into it for you?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Facing exactly same issue for the listings created by me. - Curse of error 8040 :)

last month leadership team solved and restored my listings but started facing same thing now.

This is amazon's backend system glitch, they are updating system and inventory software and each updates causes several issues.

Not sure about you but I am mostly FBA seller and units are at FC and on and average 10-30% FBA inventory are in search suppressed status.

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I had this issue last week. Two character brands that I list for suddenly all had the variation listings broken and some went to suppressed.

This then took up 5-6 hours of my time to correct the listings and get them back up once I had gained permission again to list them.

This is the second time this year it has happened.

It is a major bug with Amazon systems that causes this. I understand reviewing who has permission to list brands but twice in one year? The fact I then get reinstated both times show I have the rights to list them.

P.S. Where do I sent my invoice to Amazon to charge for the time to correct listings which shouldn't have got broken!

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Quote: "I sent an email to the "

Are these suppressed in UK, or US ? If UK, you should probably have emailed, not .com.

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Quote: "I sent an email to the "

Are these suppressed in UK, or US ? If UK, you should probably have emailed, not .com.

user profile

Hello @Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Do you have a case ID for me so I can look into it for you?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Hello @Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

Do you have a case ID for me so I can look into it for you?

Regards, Spencer

user profile

Facing exactly same issue for the listings created by me. - Curse of error 8040 :)

last month leadership team solved and restored my listings but started facing same thing now.

This is amazon's backend system glitch, they are updating system and inventory software and each updates causes several issues.

Not sure about you but I am mostly FBA seller and units are at FC and on and average 10-30% FBA inventory are in search suppressed status.

user profile

Facing exactly same issue for the listings created by me. - Curse of error 8040 :)

last month leadership team solved and restored my listings but started facing same thing now.

This is amazon's backend system glitch, they are updating system and inventory software and each updates causes several issues.

Not sure about you but I am mostly FBA seller and units are at FC and on and average 10-30% FBA inventory are in search suppressed status.

user profile

I had this issue last week. Two character brands that I list for suddenly all had the variation listings broken and some went to suppressed.

This then took up 5-6 hours of my time to correct the listings and get them back up once I had gained permission again to list them.

This is the second time this year it has happened.

It is a major bug with Amazon systems that causes this. I understand reviewing who has permission to list brands but twice in one year? The fact I then get reinstated both times show I have the rights to list them.

P.S. Where do I sent my invoice to Amazon to charge for the time to correct listings which shouldn't have got broken!

user profile

I had this issue last week. Two character brands that I list for suddenly all had the variation listings broken and some went to suppressed.

This then took up 5-6 hours of my time to correct the listings and get them back up once I had gained permission again to list them.

This is the second time this year it has happened.

It is a major bug with Amazon systems that causes this. I understand reviewing who has permission to list brands but twice in one year? The fact I then get reinstated both times show I have the rights to list them.

P.S. Where do I sent my invoice to Amazon to charge for the time to correct listings which shouldn't have got broken!

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