Read onlyNewbie here, so many questions.
Not sold anything so far, just going through the process of setting everything up.
When sending your first shipment to FBA, how many units per product is recommended to send?
A lot fewer than the Amazon Inventory planner recommends (it will start working after you get some sales).
I replenish daily and aim to have 4 weeks stock but it depends on how frequently you wish to replenish and on other factors, which are for you to tweak to suit your operation.
Thank you for posting.
Please find some recommendations below :
Inventory is charged a monthly storage fee by size. To minimize the effect of storage fees on profit margins, sellers should consider regular replenishment of inventory, rather than storing large numbers of units for long periods in the fulfillment centres.
On 15 February and 15 August of every year, FBA conducts charges LTSF on units of inventory that have been in storage for over 6 or twelve months. Therefore , to avoid these fees we urge sellers to avoid overstocking their inventory. Sellers should consider sending in limited inventory at first, to test the demand.
You should therefore take in consideration the information relative to the removal of your stock from our fulfillement center if necessary :
Once your items start selling with FBA, you can use the FBA reports available such as :
Inventory Health Report - check the Customer demand and offer competitiveness for your FBA inventory
Excess Inventory Report - quickly identify listings that may have excess inventory and review relevant information to take the appropriate action
Finally, sellers sending their stock to our fulfillment centers should be aware of our FBA Prohibited Products, FBA policies and inventory requirements available on the following help pages :
I hope this information has been helpful.