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PanEU and EFN

by Seller_VaGSBBB9pRzA5


I have been doing PANEU for a while and it was easy to see my inventory stored in the EU on the App. I have started to do EFN and now it is literally impossible to see as the EFN is also pulling available inventory to the EU. Has anyone any suggestions on how best to manage this ? whether there is any software available. The only way I can see at the moment is to create a separate seller SKU fo the Pan EU.


Tags: Inventory
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In reply to: Seller_VaGSBBB9pRzA5’s post

If you’re finding it difficult to manage your inventory stored in the EU after starting to use EFN, there are a few things you can try to help streamline the process:

  1. Use the Inventory Planning Dashboard: This dashboard is available in Seller Central and provides you with a quick overview of your inventory levels in all the different countries where you sell on Amazon. This can help you keep track of your inventory stored in the EU separately from your EFN inventory.
  2. Use Inventory Management Software: There are several third-party inventory management software options available that can help you manage your inventory across multiple marketplaces, including those stored in the EU. These software tools can help you keep track of inventory levels, set reorder points, and even help you manage shipments.
  3. Create separate SKUs for Pan EU: As you mentioned, creating separate SKUs for Pan EU can be another option to help you manage your inventory better. This can help you keep track of your EU inventory separately from your EFN inventory.

it’s important to have a clear inventory management system in place to help you keep track of your inventory levels and avoid overselling or running out of stock.I hope that this help

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