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Incorrect product classification by Amazon after 5 years of selling it - No help from Amazon.

After 7 years of selling on Amazon, we received notifications for each of our listings stating that our products are classified as "escooters" and therefore shouldn't have a seat, referring me to the "escooters" policy. 

My product is not an escooter, in fact, it is a medical mobility scooter. We are not subject to the "escooters" regulations/policies, obviously. Amazon does not have any wording about medical mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled in the provided policy. 

They referred me to a list of requirements that have nothing to do with my listings. We have been approved by the UK GOV to sell medical mobility scooters, and we have been doing so on Amazon for 7 years already, we supplied all relevant documents already. No matter how many times we appealed, we still received the same response. 

When I explained to the account health specialist over the phone and provided proof, they clearly said, "you are right, there is a mistake here which should be corrected, please appeal with the relevant information". However, when I appealed, I received the same message again, stating that "as an escooter, your product shouldn't have a seat". 

If you go to this category on Amazon, you would see that obviously all listings have a seat (You don't imagine a 90-year-old lady driving a 2-wheeled scooter, right?).Even the documents (Reports) they asked me to provide are all related to electric scooters and are not the right ones for the medical mobility scooters, which require something completely different. 

Any suggestions?

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Suspended
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Incorrect product classification by Amazon after 5 years of selling it - No help from Amazon.

After 7 years of selling on Amazon, we received notifications for each of our listings stating that our products are classified as "escooters" and therefore shouldn't have a seat, referring me to the "escooters" policy. 

My product is not an escooter, in fact, it is a medical mobility scooter. We are not subject to the "escooters" regulations/policies, obviously. Amazon does not have any wording about medical mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled in the provided policy. 

They referred me to a list of requirements that have nothing to do with my listings. We have been approved by the UK GOV to sell medical mobility scooters, and we have been doing so on Amazon for 7 years already, we supplied all relevant documents already. No matter how many times we appealed, we still received the same response. 

When I explained to the account health specialist over the phone and provided proof, they clearly said, "you are right, there is a mistake here which should be corrected, please appeal with the relevant information". However, when I appealed, I received the same message again, stating that "as an escooter, your product shouldn't have a seat". 

If you go to this category on Amazon, you would see that obviously all listings have a seat (You don't imagine a 90-year-old lady driving a 2-wheeled scooter, right?).Even the documents (Reports) they asked me to provide are all related to electric scooters and are not the right ones for the medical mobility scooters, which require something completely different. 

Any suggestions?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Suspended
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Hello @Seller_M1JkrPjMONCVw,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked and your case is currently with a team to investigate. I will keep an eye out and in the mean time feel free to post here if you have questions.

Regards, Spencer

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Incorrect product classification by Amazon after 5 years of selling it - No help from Amazon.

After 7 years of selling on Amazon, we received notifications for each of our listings stating that our products are classified as "escooters" and therefore shouldn't have a seat, referring me to the "escooters" policy. 

My product is not an escooter, in fact, it is a medical mobility scooter. We are not subject to the "escooters" regulations/policies, obviously. Amazon does not have any wording about medical mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled in the provided policy. 

They referred me to a list of requirements that have nothing to do with my listings. We have been approved by the UK GOV to sell medical mobility scooters, and we have been doing so on Amazon for 7 years already, we supplied all relevant documents already. No matter how many times we appealed, we still received the same response. 

When I explained to the account health specialist over the phone and provided proof, they clearly said, "you are right, there is a mistake here which should be corrected, please appeal with the relevant information". However, when I appealed, I received the same message again, stating that "as an escooter, your product shouldn't have a seat". 

If you go to this category on Amazon, you would see that obviously all listings have a seat (You don't imagine a 90-year-old lady driving a 2-wheeled scooter, right?).Even the documents (Reports) they asked me to provide are all related to electric scooters and are not the right ones for the medical mobility scooters, which require something completely different. 

Any suggestions?

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Suspended
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Incorrect product classification by Amazon after 5 years of selling it - No help from Amazon.

After 7 years of selling on Amazon, we received notifications for each of our listings stating that our products are classified as "escooters" and therefore shouldn't have a seat, referring me to the "escooters" policy. 

My product is not an escooter, in fact, it is a medical mobility scooter. We are not subject to the "escooters" regulations/policies, obviously. Amazon does not have any wording about medical mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled in the provided policy. 

They referred me to a list of requirements that have nothing to do with my listings. We have been approved by the UK GOV to sell medical mobility scooters, and we have been doing so on Amazon for 7 years already, we supplied all relevant documents already. No matter how many times we appealed, we still received the same response. 

When I explained to the account health specialist over the phone and provided proof, they clearly said, "you are right, there is a mistake here which should be corrected, please appeal with the relevant information". However, when I appealed, I received the same message again, stating that "as an escooter, your product shouldn't have a seat". 

If you go to this category on Amazon, you would see that obviously all listings have a seat (You don't imagine a 90-year-old lady driving a 2-wheeled scooter, right?).Even the documents (Reports) they asked me to provide are all related to electric scooters and are not the right ones for the medical mobility scooters, which require something completely different. 

Any suggestions?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Suspended
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Incorrect product classification by Amazon after 5 years of selling it - No help from Amazon.

by Seller_M1JkrPjMONCVw

After 7 years of selling on Amazon, we received notifications for each of our listings stating that our products are classified as "escooters" and therefore shouldn't have a seat, referring me to the "escooters" policy. 

My product is not an escooter, in fact, it is a medical mobility scooter. We are not subject to the "escooters" regulations/policies, obviously. Amazon does not have any wording about medical mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled in the provided policy. 

They referred me to a list of requirements that have nothing to do with my listings. We have been approved by the UK GOV to sell medical mobility scooters, and we have been doing so on Amazon for 7 years already, we supplied all relevant documents already. No matter how many times we appealed, we still received the same response. 

When I explained to the account health specialist over the phone and provided proof, they clearly said, "you are right, there is a mistake here which should be corrected, please appeal with the relevant information". However, when I appealed, I received the same message again, stating that "as an escooter, your product shouldn't have a seat". 

If you go to this category on Amazon, you would see that obviously all listings have a seat (You don't imagine a 90-year-old lady driving a 2-wheeled scooter, right?).Even the documents (Reports) they asked me to provide are all related to electric scooters and are not the right ones for the medical mobility scooters, which require something completely different. 

Any suggestions?

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Materially different products, Suspended
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Hello @Seller_M1JkrPjMONCVw,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked and your case is currently with a team to investigate. I will keep an eye out and in the mean time feel free to post here if you have questions.

Regards, Spencer

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Hello @Seller_M1JkrPjMONCVw,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked and your case is currently with a team to investigate. I will keep an eye out and in the mean time feel free to post here if you have questions.

Regards, Spencer

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Hello @Seller_M1JkrPjMONCVw,

I am Spencer with Amazon.

I checked and your case is currently with a team to investigate. I will keep an eye out and in the mean time feel free to post here if you have questions.

Regards, Spencer

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