Read onlyfeautured offer unavailable without any reason, i have good health doing FBA private label i am brand owner no other competitors in my listing i am only brand owner in my listing , my advertising is not running due to no featured offer, i opened so many case getting robotic replies [CASE 10040067502]
Have you significantly increased the price of the product? If so, Amazon may view it as a non-competitive offer and remove the Buy Box
It was like that for me the first week, new seller and new product with no reviews is likely for that to happen
Amazon may view it as a non-competitive offer and remove the Buy Box, if they can see it being sold cheaper on other websites. (mainly ebay) if u match ebay price you will be featured offer.
Oh my god anyone it's being a 3 week still no featured offer on my own brand private listing and i am only seller on my listing, can't run advertising as well because of no feature offer , such a bad developer of Amazon who did this settings it's now being 4 week i get zero order @Spencer_Amazon @Seller_0IropdzLOjZlj @Amazon_Team @Amazon