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How do you do your Amazon Seller Bookkeeping? & Accounting practices?

by Seller_vJhOlYGxWE9Cl


How do you guys recommend recording Amazon sales and expenses as a VAT registered business?

I'm just wondering if there is a helpful tutorial online somewhere that I'm missing.

A lot of the ones I'm finding are US based so are slightly different.

I just want to make sure I'm entering the right income and expenditure and not get myself in a muddle with the tax man. Currently I was downloading the Amazon Monthly Summary, cross referencing the VAT receipts for seller fees and FBA fees with the transaction report for the same month. The first month tallied fine, April and May I have some discrepancies with the amount of expenses on the summary report being lower than the amount being charged out on the VAT receipt invoices for fees.

I'm guessing it's something to do with refunds happening in a different month but just wondering how you enter your figures?


Tags: Tax documents
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