Read onlyWhich do people prefer?
I am looking to use them for reporting and product research, along with utilising some of the other features such as auto request a review.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience and has opinions on which to choose.
Looked at both,I’m sure plenty will think they cannot do with out them.For me they do nothing,in 10 years Ive never found any reason to use either.
Agree with russ.
If you know what you are doing, you don’t need them! For me, they just create more bad sellers.
Be VERY Careful asking for reviews as you may cross some Amazon boundaries !
In 20 years of selling here i’ve found no need to use them and I totally agree with the replies from Russ and Xarissa
FWIW worth, we use Helium 10. Pretty much the sole purpose is to use the refund genie, which allows us to actively pursue reimbirsements for FBA stock lost in the warehouse. This alone, covers the cost of the subscription.
Everything else is a bonus. In our humble opinion though, the product research figure should be taken with a mahoosive pinch of salt and we no longer use the request a review feature as it’s a verrry grey area at the moment, one that we have no desire to stray into.
We dont trust these kind of tools, we prefer to do our own research.
So all that’s going to show you is what other sellers are already selling well.
You’ll then see a potential profit (along with every other of your chosen platforms users) and choose to sell those same items.
The result is that you dilute that market even further, and reduce the potential profits of both yourself, the existing sellers, and all the other Jungle Scout / Helium 10 users who did exactly the same thing based on the same information.
There’s generally then a resulting price-war in a race to be the cheapest, and eventually the person with the deepest pockets will usually ‘win’.
In the meantime, all sellers have probably made losses, the consumers have lapped up the ridiculously cheap prices, and the market for those items is potentially ruined until consumers are prepared to pay the ‘right’ price for the items again.
The market eventually restabilises, and the next generation of entrepreneurs then ploughs money in to the same pit… (Lather, rinse, and repeat.)
You can also add-in all the half-hearted attempters who don’t really know what they’re getting in to on here, don’t account for fees properly, eventually end up getting their accounts banned, disbursements frozen, etc… etc… etc…
They just see on Jungle Scout that item-X on Amazon for £20, and know it’s in Sainsburys for £15, and think it’s as simple as collecting all the crisp five pound notes.
Everyone really wants to be “Ahead of the curve”.
The data in those platforms just shows you where the curve already is / was.
We currently use Jungle Scout. I find that a lot of their number for sales etc are not very accurate.
I mostly use it to find average selling prices for a particular range of products or to see which is the best seller in a category but it is not exact just a guide.
I’ve used both, H10 has many more tools but the only real use is to asses demand for a category.
I haven’t tried refund genie mentioned above so will look at that.
I don’t think the review requests by these platforms are a problem i don’t see the terms and conditions as grey at all.
As mentioned above if you follow this high demand low competition method they all teach you are setting yourself up to fail. Also be wary of going into very high demand areas,
I cant make any sense of the figures to be honest every category i sell in everybody else seem to be doing so much better than me yet i rank above them on the page consistently.
If a category has good demand IE its top ten sellers are doing at least a few K each then go through the listings and think can you improve product listing value etc.
I don’t understand the buying things in sains arg etc business model but its not a grey area it IS against amazons T&C unless you are selling them as used.
You can source a product have it manufactured import and sell and make decent profit but its HARD work you will have many set backs and loose money sometimes.
But these tools can help you in that process but don’t rely on them to show you the way, that’s down to you.
Good luck
Here is the Amazon policy on products and reviews for information :-
Customer product reviews policies
Customer reviews are an integral part of the customer shopping experience on Amazon. Customers use these reviews to learn more about the product, assess whether it fits their needs, and make informed purchasing decisions. Customer reviews also help sellers understand their customers’ sentiments about their products, what features or aspects of the products customers like, and what areas need improvements. Reviews also provide sellers with ideas on how to improve their products. In order for customer reviews to continue to provide these benefits to customers and sellers, they have to remain a true and authentic reflection of customers’ experiences with the products.
Amazon has specific policies that are meant to protect the authenticity of Customer Reviews, and we ask you to comply with these policies and report any violations you might notice. We have provided links to our policy pages below. Note that Amazon has a zero-tolerance policy towards any customer reviews violations. If we detect any attempts to manipulate customer reviews, we take immediate actions that include, but are not limited to:
Immediate and permanent withdrawal of the seller’s selling privileges on Amazon and withholding of funds.
The removal of all the product’s reviews and preventing the product from receiving future reviews or ratings.
Permanent delisting of the product from Amazon.
Legal action against the seller, including lawsuits and referral to civil and criminal enforcement authorities.
Disclosing the seller’s name and other related information publicly.
We strongly urge you to thoroughly review Amazon Customer Reviews policies and immediately correct any violating actions. It is important that you educate your business partners, employees and any third-party partners you work with about these policies as well. Any infractions by your business partners, employees or third-party agencies will result in enforcement actions, even if it happened without your knowledge or consent.
Violations to Customer Reviews policies include, but are not limited to, these actions:
A seller posts a review of their own product or their competitor’s product.
A seller offers a third party a financial reward, discount, free products or other compensation in exchange for a review on their product or their competitor’s product. This includes using services that sell customer reviews, websites or social media groups.
A seller offers to provide a refund or reimbursement after the buyer writes a review (including reimbursement via a non-Amazon payment method), and asks the buyer to change or remove the review, before or after the refund or reimbursement. This could be done via the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service on Amazon or by contacting customers directly or by using third-party services, websites or social media groups.
A seller uses a third-party service that offers free or discounted products tied to a review (for example, a review club that requires customers to register their Amazon public profile so that sellers can monitor their reviews).
A family member or employee of the seller posts a review of the seller’s product or a competitor’s product.
A seller asks a reviewer to change or remove their review. They might also offer a refund or other compensation to a reviewer in exchange for doing so.
A seller diverts negative reviews to be sent to them or to a different feedback mechanism while positive reviews are sent to Amazon.
A seller creates a variation relationship between products with the aim of manipulating reviews and boosting a product’s star rating via review aggregation.
A seller inserts a request for a positive Amazon review or an incentive in exchange for a review into product packaging or the shipping box.
A seller uses a customer account to write or change a review on his or his competitor’s product.
Note: References to “seller” here includes all of the seller’s employees and third-party partners.
We use Hellium10 for product optimisation and I must say, it has been a huge help. Although we could do this without using the software, it is streamlined and much quicker in my opinion. I have not had much luck with junglescout before.