Read onlyHi everyone!
I was checking my listings last night and noticed they are no longer offering variations , when I click on the parent listing from seller central it says '' no longer available'' and when I click on any variation the listing is separate just 1 colour 1 size , so instead of having 1 listing with 22 variations I have 22 separate listings , but in the seller centre the variations are attached to the parent.
Contacted seller support and this is the reply ''Upon investigation we have found that the relationship between Parent ASIN and all given child ASIN's could not be established because the brand values in the variation families are inconsistent. Due to which variation are showing separately on detail page.'' Just to clarify this listings have been working properly for 5 months and suddenly split.
Anyone know how to fix this please? we are loosing 70% in sales since it happened would really appreciate your help.
Thank you
You will be better off deleting the parent altogether and then wait 24 hours. You then recreate the parent ensuring the brand value is idetical and then reattach the child asins to it. You can do this by an upload or create variation wizard.
Here are some links related to this matter that could help you with this situation:
Create parent-child relationships
About parent-child relationships
Add a variation using Variation Wizard
Variations on product detail pages
@Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCXthank you so much for your assistance!