Read onlyHi,
Compititor who started selling same product like me a month ago now has more reviews than me inspite of selling lesser than me. I have started selling a year ago, so far I have 170 reviews. And he started selling a month ago has 280 reviews.
1) He launched all 10 child ASINs variants separately and got each free vine reviews done. Once vine reviews posted, he created a parent ASIN and combined all child ASINs to it. - As per the amazon policy vine review can be done ONCE only for One Parent ASIN. Maximum vine review to get is 30 only. So here he knows the loophole and taking advantage of creating all variant ASINs separately , gethering vine reviews for each and combining it later. Ideally while has has created parent ASINs and combined all child ASINs which has vine reviews done in each, amazon should not allow to create that listing or should delete extra vine reviews (any reviews more than 30) before creating the listing . Now this is the BIG LOOPHOLE here and god knows why amazon is not addressing this.
2) Apart from vine reviews, Everyday he is adding 5 to 6 new reviews with 5 star without comment. So you can see the count of review going up but comment is not showing. As per his ranking in category - lower than my product ranking. None of his variant ASINs showing 50+ or 100+ sold past month whereas mine variants are showing that means he is selling lesser than me. Then how come every single day 5 new review stars he is getting enrolled?
Amazon says, they have strict policy about fake review or influencing reviews. Here he is doing but no action has been taken. Seller support team saying dont worry some day it will happen and amazon will take action. I dont know when that "Some day" will come?
How do I survive in this situation where I always follow amazon policy and guidelines but people not following are getting more sell and business.
Hello @Seller_pmwfULyh9as20, thank you for addressing a possible abuse of the Customer product reviews. How did you report this? Did you use Report abuse form?
Can you look into this please