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Buy shipping - Evri overcharges

by Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn

Amazon is invoicing over charges on some labels after the shipping label is purchased when the order is dispatched.

For example some orders we buy shipping labels paid £2.94 for 1kg parcel, we get invoice for that month with £2.94 for that order. The next month we get invoice for the same order with additional charges of £1.09. I am baffled with what are these over charges for.

Tags: Billing, Tax documents, Transactions
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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

I don't use Evri so I don't know their charging structure, but are the declared weights for the packages correct?

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

Just had a batch of these too.

Ranges from under 1kg adjusted to 1-2kg and some to over 2kg.

Example 3 identical products all under 1kg on one order too big to pack together so three parcels - at £2.95 the adjustment from Friday changed the price of the third one to 4.04 which is the combined weight of the three at a guess but left the other two at 2.95 Tried to find the right route to query it and failed. Was going to try again in the week

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

There is a delay credit/debit small charges as the VAT calculation seems incorrect but do keep an eye out for the remote charges as I have found they seem to change these as and when without notice from the price we pay. You have to chase these with them and occasionally the oversize and weight issue charges appear (all of mine have been incorrect) and you need to challenge these.

Also they are charging us for label re-prints as label damaged in the network. For these I would also challenge because unless it is at the initial depot this is their fault and not ours. Check detailed transactions and then postage labes for keeping an eye. hope that helps somewhat.

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

These are most likely debits and credits where they say the parcel weight is over / under what you declared. The difference is that between what you declared and the tier that Evri say you should have been charged for.

The debits / credits can take a few months to come through i.e. we got ours for November / December 23 in February 24 - we had been shipping an item at 950g but it was actually 1100g

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

There is an issue with Evri at the moment and overcharging. When requesting drop off and you do drop off, Evri's system on occassion is stating that it was collected and billing extra. Something wrong with there systems......We have had a number of problems related to this in the past couple of months, we have now moved away from them and use another courier.

Not sure if your problem is related but thought I would share,

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

Please suggest any other courier which is affordable then evri and royal mail

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In reply to: Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn’s post

We have the same situation. Evri is charging us additional charges of £1.09. I called today our Evri account manager and he said he will look into this for us.

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