Read onlyhiya all,
I'm trying to create a variation product,
when asked to select a variation, I'm selecting COLOUR and all other variations are left deselected.
when I submit the product its coming back with an error on size variation, which I have not selected, it seems to be added automatically for a reason I don't know.
my product is a Bobble hat and one size fits all, in the size variation drop down menu i select "one size" it then asks what size does it go up to, again I select "one size," and it throws back an error saying the to values in size options can not be equal.
my question is.....
Why does Amazon keep automatically adding SIZE as a variation to my product listing and demanding the size variation when I'm not selecting it, and why does the SIZE variation drop down menu offer ONE SIZE and then demand the size variation?
can anyone help me with this issue please, many thanks in advice.