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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide

Pinned by community managerpin

Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

Did you find this content helpful? Share your feedback and suggestions for future topics related to managing your Amazon seller account effectively.

55 replies
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Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


55 replies
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Would it really be sooo difficult to just provide a "remove this markeplace" button for sellers that don't want to "regularly monitor and keep in compliance" multiple marketplaces that they never asked to be enrolled in and have no intention of using..??

Or even maybe, i dunno, ASK if we even wish to be enrolled before adding them to our accounts?

user profile

I have just received a health warning on for B00DJYTGVI

due to a food safety issue !

this an XBOX game controller that is not in our uk inventory I think we deleted it from our uk inventory some years ago as part of a tidy up

the listing on was created by amazon - we did not opt in to this service.

(we only sell on amazon uk)

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

We have been linked to a German account that is not ours. There are hundreds of thousands of listings with plenty of violations. We do not sell any of these products across any marketplace. It has now been deactivated, but we are still getting plenty of emails every day about different violations. Is there a way to delete the listings as a bulk order. Doing it 250 at a time will take me hours and hours.


user profile

So as per usual the onus is on the sellers rather than a multi billion pound company implementing a logical system.

user profile


Could you advise...Like many here I've had a policy warning about an item that I've not sold for years.

I've deleted the listing but now I have a warning that .fr is at risk. If this store is closed does that mean that all my stores are closed?

I look forward to your reply.

user profile

We should just be able to deactivate it. All of what you suggested I had already done and still got deactivated for something to do with paying tax in the US, which is in holiday mode and hasn't had anything on it for 2 years

user profile

I have done all of the above as you suggested. However, Amazon are asking me to submit compliance documents for Germany marketplace. I have just had a response from seller support asking I submit a LUCID number.

I do NOT sell in the Germany marketplace, at all. Never have. Why am I being asked to apply for this, when I only sell in the UK?

Anyone else had this issue?

user profile


can you please review the postings below on this discussion thread from us and other sellers - there are some issues that need urgent attention.

If @Sakura_Amazon_ is not available today can @Julia_Amazon or @Winston_Amazon find someone to attend to it.

user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


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This post has been deleted
user profile

Thank you for your work. you are well done))

user profile

Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide

Pinned by community managerpin

Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

Did you find this content helpful? Share your feedback and suggestions for future topics related to managing your Amazon seller account effectively.

55 replies
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Preventing Violations on Inactive Amazon Marketplaces: A Seller's Guide

Pinned by community managerpin
by Sakura_Amazon_

Hello Sellers,

I've noticed sellers facing issues on the Seller Forums, receiving violations on marketplaces where they don't actively sell, even with their accounts in Holiday Mode.

As an Amazon seller registered for multiple marketplaces within a region, you may later decide not to actively sell on certain ones. However, neglecting inactive marketplaces can lead to violations and impact your account health.

Here's a checklist to help you manage your account and listings effectively when you don't want to sell on a specific marketplace:

  • Put Your Account on Holiday Mode to prevent new orders and pause listings on the inactive marketplace, avoiding potential issues from unfulfilled orders. 📄Enable holiday mode
  • Delete all listings from the inactive marketplace's inventory. Even inactive (out-of-stock) listings can trigger violations affecting your account health, so it's crucial to remove them. 📄How can I delete specific product listings or replace all my listings?
  • Review and remove Build International Listings connections between your default and inactive marketplaces to prevent new listings from being created automatically. 📄 Remove a connection using Build International Listings
  • Regularly monitor the Account Health Dashboard and Performance Notifications for inactive marketplaces to quickly address any potential issues or violations.📄 Account health FAQ

Did you find this content helpful? Share your feedback and suggestions for future topics related to managing your Amazon seller account effectively.

55 replies
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Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


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Would it really be sooo difficult to just provide a "remove this markeplace" button for sellers that don't want to "regularly monitor and keep in compliance" multiple marketplaces that they never asked to be enrolled in and have no intention of using..??

Or even maybe, i dunno, ASK if we even wish to be enrolled before adding them to our accounts?

user profile

I have just received a health warning on for B00DJYTGVI

due to a food safety issue !

this an XBOX game controller that is not in our uk inventory I think we deleted it from our uk inventory some years ago as part of a tidy up

the listing on was created by amazon - we did not opt in to this service.

(we only sell on amazon uk)

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

We have been linked to a German account that is not ours. There are hundreds of thousands of listings with plenty of violations. We do not sell any of these products across any marketplace. It has now been deactivated, but we are still getting plenty of emails every day about different violations. Is there a way to delete the listings as a bulk order. Doing it 250 at a time will take me hours and hours.


user profile

So as per usual the onus is on the sellers rather than a multi billion pound company implementing a logical system.

user profile


Could you advise...Like many here I've had a policy warning about an item that I've not sold for years.

I've deleted the listing but now I have a warning that .fr is at risk. If this store is closed does that mean that all my stores are closed?

I look forward to your reply.

user profile

We should just be able to deactivate it. All of what you suggested I had already done and still got deactivated for something to do with paying tax in the US, which is in holiday mode and hasn't had anything on it for 2 years

user profile

I have done all of the above as you suggested. However, Amazon are asking me to submit compliance documents for Germany marketplace. I have just had a response from seller support asking I submit a LUCID number.

I do NOT sell in the Germany marketplace, at all. Never have. Why am I being asked to apply for this, when I only sell in the UK?

Anyone else had this issue?

user profile


can you please review the postings below on this discussion thread from us and other sellers - there are some issues that need urgent attention.

If @Sakura_Amazon_ is not available today can @Julia_Amazon or @Winston_Amazon find someone to attend to it.

user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


user profile
This post has been deleted
user profile

Thank you for your work. you are well done))

user profile

Would it really be sooo difficult to just provide a "remove this markeplace" button for sellers that don't want to "regularly monitor and keep in compliance" multiple marketplaces that they never asked to be enrolled in and have no intention of using..??

Or even maybe, i dunno, ASK if we even wish to be enrolled before adding them to our accounts?

user profile

Would it really be sooo difficult to just provide a "remove this markeplace" button for sellers that don't want to "regularly monitor and keep in compliance" multiple marketplaces that they never asked to be enrolled in and have no intention of using..??

Or even maybe, i dunno, ASK if we even wish to be enrolled before adding them to our accounts?

user profile

I have just received a health warning on for B00DJYTGVI

due to a food safety issue !

this an XBOX game controller that is not in our uk inventory I think we deleted it from our uk inventory some years ago as part of a tidy up

the listing on was created by amazon - we did not opt in to this service.

(we only sell on amazon uk)

user profile

I have just received a health warning on for B00DJYTGVI

due to a food safety issue !

this an XBOX game controller that is not in our uk inventory I think we deleted it from our uk inventory some years ago as part of a tidy up

the listing on was created by amazon - we did not opt in to this service.

(we only sell on amazon uk)

user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

We have been linked to a German account that is not ours. There are hundreds of thousands of listings with plenty of violations. We do not sell any of these products across any marketplace. It has now been deactivated, but we are still getting plenty of emails every day about different violations. Is there a way to delete the listings as a bulk order. Doing it 250 at a time will take me hours and hours.


user profile

Hi @Sakura_Amazon_

We have been linked to a German account that is not ours. There are hundreds of thousands of listings with plenty of violations. We do not sell any of these products across any marketplace. It has now been deactivated, but we are still getting plenty of emails every day about different violations. Is there a way to delete the listings as a bulk order. Doing it 250 at a time will take me hours and hours.


user profile

So as per usual the onus is on the sellers rather than a multi billion pound company implementing a logical system.

user profile

So as per usual the onus is on the sellers rather than a multi billion pound company implementing a logical system.

user profile


Could you advise...Like many here I've had a policy warning about an item that I've not sold for years.

I've deleted the listing but now I have a warning that .fr is at risk. If this store is closed does that mean that all my stores are closed?

I look forward to your reply.

user profile


Could you advise...Like many here I've had a policy warning about an item that I've not sold for years.

I've deleted the listing but now I have a warning that .fr is at risk. If this store is closed does that mean that all my stores are closed?

I look forward to your reply.

user profile

We should just be able to deactivate it. All of what you suggested I had already done and still got deactivated for something to do with paying tax in the US, which is in holiday mode and hasn't had anything on it for 2 years

user profile

We should just be able to deactivate it. All of what you suggested I had already done and still got deactivated for something to do with paying tax in the US, which is in holiday mode and hasn't had anything on it for 2 years

user profile

I have done all of the above as you suggested. However, Amazon are asking me to submit compliance documents for Germany marketplace. I have just had a response from seller support asking I submit a LUCID number.

I do NOT sell in the Germany marketplace, at all. Never have. Why am I being asked to apply for this, when I only sell in the UK?

Anyone else had this issue?

user profile

I have done all of the above as you suggested. However, Amazon are asking me to submit compliance documents for Germany marketplace. I have just had a response from seller support asking I submit a LUCID number.

I do NOT sell in the Germany marketplace, at all. Never have. Why am I being asked to apply for this, when I only sell in the UK?

Anyone else had this issue?

user profile


can you please review the postings below on this discussion thread from us and other sellers - there are some issues that need urgent attention.

If @Sakura_Amazon_ is not available today can @Julia_Amazon or @Winston_Amazon find someone to attend to it.

user profile


can you please review the postings below on this discussion thread from us and other sellers - there are some issues that need urgent attention.

If @Sakura_Amazon_ is not available today can @Julia_Amazon or @Winston_Amazon find someone to attend to it.

user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


user profile
Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Hello Sellers,

I was monitoring this and reviewed all the information that you provided. Here I am sharing the 2 main topics that came out of your comments and the steps that I took :

1)You raised the fact that your listings are automatically recreated when a new store is launched on Amazon, and you can't opt out of this option or are not informed about it.

I have contacted the relevant Partner Team to discuss this feedback from you.

2) You are not sure which option you should use ( DELETE the listing or CLOSE the listing ) to avoid receiving violations for the listings that are present in your inventory.

I reached out to different Partner Teams to clarify it, however , please, for now, use the DELETE option , as it is a more secure one and I don't want your account to be impacted. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback!


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This post has been deleted
user profile

Thank you for your work. you are well done))

user profile

Thank you for your work. you are well done))


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