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Maintaining a Healthy Seller Account

Hello Sellers,

Having a healthy seller account is crucial for your success on the Amazon marketplace. The Account Health Dashboard provides an overview of your selling account's adherence to Amazon's performance targets and policies. Regularly monitoring and addressing any issues is essential to ensure uninterrupted selling privileges.

What is the Account Health Dashboard?

The Account Health Dashboard displays key metrics that Amazon uses to evaluate your account's performance, such as:

-Order Defect Rate: Measures customer experience with your orders

-Late Shipment Rate: Tracks your on-time shipment performance

-Policy Violations: Highlights any violations of Amazon's selling policies

How to Access Your Account Health Dashboard:

Menu- > Account Health- > Account Health

🟢Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Account:

  • Understand each metric and its target: Review Amazon's guidelines for acceptable performance levels.
  • Check your Account Health regularly across all marketplaces: Performance metrics can vary by marketplace.
  • Monitor Performance Notifications: Address any issues promptly to avoid negative impact on your account.
  • Take preventative steps: Implement processes to maintain high performance (e.g., streamline fulfillment, improve customer service).
  • Review your product catalog: Ensure compliance with evolving regulations and policies.
  • Address violations immediately: Respond to any violations on your Account Health Dashboard as soon as possible.

📖Useful Resources:

Seller University : Understand your Account Health metrics

Account Health FAQ

🎤Share Your Tips: How do you maintain a healthy seller account? What advice would you give to new sellers starting their Amazon journey?

Would you have any feedback regarding Account Health?

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Tags:Account Health
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Same thing has happened to me. I really don't understand WHY.

I just had a meeting with Amazon 9/23

2024 rolls around and my account is suspended. Not able to reactivate.

Can someone reach out to me. I have been selling with Amazon for over 5+ years.

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Account Health scores may be a good idea, but not if Amazon cannot action correctly, as nearly always seems to be the case.

It needs proper human involvement to resolve matters. The Account Health Team only tend to advise, they should also be able to action and resolve a matter.

The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.

A couple of examples, we have spoken with Account Health:

Policy violation warning - Account Health’s advice is admit you are guilty and Amazon are always right, so the Bots are correct and move on, and the Account Health will improve. When you point out the Bot is wrong (or if the report was from a vindictive Buyer), then they more or less say impossible to win an Appeal, even if we are right. The Bot or Buyer is always believed over a Seller. So, either wait 180 days and hopefully it should fall off the system, or admit liability (even if that is incorrect) and hope no other issues in the next 6 months, as you admitted you were in the wrong.

Suspected Intellectual Property Violations - It uses the word ‘SUSPECTED’ – but then counts against the score. So really means: ‘Guilty of Intellectual Property Violations’ unless you can prove yourself innocent, and not the other way around, as it should be under British law.

The other day the Bots said they found ‘Sony’ mentioned in I think 11 old listings, some of which had no stock for many years. So, then show as repeat offender. Cases: 9679636532 and 9696870552 .

Sony was not in the title, so no intention at all to defraud, but helpful information in the bullet points, eg saying to ‘connect to a Sony Xperia Phone’ or something similar. Which was the accepted terminology of Amazon in the last decade. More recently wanting the term ‘Compatible with Sony Xperia Phone’ – It means the same thing, I am sure Sony do not care, and it is helpful for a Buyer of a Sony phone to know the speaker worked with their product.

We then try and find the ‘offending’ term of ‘Sony’ but NOT in our inventory, the word ‘Sony’ was not there (had removed previously by us). However, Account Health said: on the back-end system as it accepts contributions from all Sellers, it was still showing! – Told to get SS to resolve, which they are useless as always. In the end deleted/closed the listing, but still logged against our Account Health. It means though anyone with that item cannot sell it until resolved, and SS will not resolve now we closed the listing (surely they should still rectify if they want it changed and impossible for a Seller to alter).

Really, there should be a time limit for Amazon to show as a violation after the 'offence' was committed. If it was accepted as being ok on a listing on Amazon previously, then by all means ask to change, but should not count against any Seller (we had some before counting against us, and we did not list the item, selling on an existing listing as told to do. I think one listing went back to 2007 and all ok until 2023, and others where they say Brand Registered, and no one can alter the listing, so cannot sell that item on Amazon, which again if a Seller can prove it should be altered, that should over-ride Brand Registry).

Will Amazon fix their errors, well Amazon think they are perfect, so of course not.

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I add my example which I have mentioned many times before but I think it's quite meaningful in this context.

Last year I was accused to have opened another account in Poland, consequently my account health was affected and two EU stores closed. Account Health teams, forum moderators, appeal teams etc just kept saying that I had to think hard of what connections I had with that account or prove that I had never opened that account by uploading documents. No one even thought that it could have been a mistake, no one considered me innocent or gave me the benefit of the doubt. Only after I applied for a mediator and a human looked into it, my stores were immediately reactivated and the accusation dropped. It took 5 months to prove I was innocent while I was penalised from day 1. How can I keep my account healthy when I have basically no control over so many aspects?

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The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.
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When shipping to EU from the UK for orders placed on an EU marketplace, If the UK has a bank holiday it is not included in the dispatch time and we get marked for late dispatch on the EU stores.

Not a very fair system. Its should take this in to account.


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My account states "Healthy"

It also states "Your account is at risk of deactivation"

So which is it? Healthy or not?

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Hello @Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto,

Do you refer to the Policy Compliance section as presented on the screenshot ?


If yes, the Healthy status refers only to the policy compliance section, which is evaluated based on the Account Health Rating.

Still, there can be other metrics or violations that might impact your Account Health.

Did you review your performance notifications and the rest of the Account Health Dashboard?



user profile

Yes, the account health rating is 204.

My account has been deactivated for two products codes that you say are not legal for sale in the UK but they have been incorrectly marked that way:

MI54561, ASIN B005FYIPSA where I submitted the COSHH sheet to show it is legal.

EP54013, ASIN B00MFALO2G which is for sale on the Epson website directly to UK customers at their website.

I cannot get anyone to understand that this is an Amazon error.

My account health page shows that my account reactivation is under review but I've had an email saying not enough information. Which is it? I've phoned twice today and had two difference answers.

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Hi , I've just had the same , can I please ask if you were able to resolve it , if so how did you do it ?

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@Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto and @Seller_ebsRwZ6auxdDH,

I recommend that you create a separate thread regarding your issues so they can be reviewed.

Please remember to provide all the possible details to understand the situation.

Thank you,


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Maintaining a Healthy Seller Account

Hello Sellers,

Having a healthy seller account is crucial for your success on the Amazon marketplace. The Account Health Dashboard provides an overview of your selling account's adherence to Amazon's performance targets and policies. Regularly monitoring and addressing any issues is essential to ensure uninterrupted selling privileges.

What is the Account Health Dashboard?

The Account Health Dashboard displays key metrics that Amazon uses to evaluate your account's performance, such as:

-Order Defect Rate: Measures customer experience with your orders

-Late Shipment Rate: Tracks your on-time shipment performance

-Policy Violations: Highlights any violations of Amazon's selling policies

How to Access Your Account Health Dashboard:

Menu- > Account Health- > Account Health

🟢Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Account:

  • Understand each metric and its target: Review Amazon's guidelines for acceptable performance levels.
  • Check your Account Health regularly across all marketplaces: Performance metrics can vary by marketplace.
  • Monitor Performance Notifications: Address any issues promptly to avoid negative impact on your account.
  • Take preventative steps: Implement processes to maintain high performance (e.g., streamline fulfillment, improve customer service).
  • Review your product catalog: Ensure compliance with evolving regulations and policies.
  • Address violations immediately: Respond to any violations on your Account Health Dashboard as soon as possible.

📖Useful Resources:

Seller University : Understand your Account Health metrics

Account Health FAQ

🎤Share Your Tips: How do you maintain a healthy seller account? What advice would you give to new sellers starting their Amazon journey?

Would you have any feedback regarding Account Health?

25 replies
Tags:Account Health
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Maintaining a Healthy Seller Account

by Sakura_Amazon_

Hello Sellers,

Having a healthy seller account is crucial for your success on the Amazon marketplace. The Account Health Dashboard provides an overview of your selling account's adherence to Amazon's performance targets and policies. Regularly monitoring and addressing any issues is essential to ensure uninterrupted selling privileges.

What is the Account Health Dashboard?

The Account Health Dashboard displays key metrics that Amazon uses to evaluate your account's performance, such as:

-Order Defect Rate: Measures customer experience with your orders

-Late Shipment Rate: Tracks your on-time shipment performance

-Policy Violations: Highlights any violations of Amazon's selling policies

How to Access Your Account Health Dashboard:

Menu- > Account Health- > Account Health

🟢Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Account:

  • Understand each metric and its target: Review Amazon's guidelines for acceptable performance levels.
  • Check your Account Health regularly across all marketplaces: Performance metrics can vary by marketplace.
  • Monitor Performance Notifications: Address any issues promptly to avoid negative impact on your account.
  • Take preventative steps: Implement processes to maintain high performance (e.g., streamline fulfillment, improve customer service).
  • Review your product catalog: Ensure compliance with evolving regulations and policies.
  • Address violations immediately: Respond to any violations on your Account Health Dashboard as soon as possible.

📖Useful Resources:

Seller University : Understand your Account Health metrics

Account Health FAQ

🎤Share Your Tips: How do you maintain a healthy seller account? What advice would you give to new sellers starting their Amazon journey?

Would you have any feedback regarding Account Health?

Tags:Account Health
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Same thing has happened to me. I really don't understand WHY.

I just had a meeting with Amazon 9/23

2024 rolls around and my account is suspended. Not able to reactivate.

Can someone reach out to me. I have been selling with Amazon for over 5+ years.

user profile


Account Health scores may be a good idea, but not if Amazon cannot action correctly, as nearly always seems to be the case.

It needs proper human involvement to resolve matters. The Account Health Team only tend to advise, they should also be able to action and resolve a matter.

The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.

A couple of examples, we have spoken with Account Health:

Policy violation warning - Account Health’s advice is admit you are guilty and Amazon are always right, so the Bots are correct and move on, and the Account Health will improve. When you point out the Bot is wrong (or if the report was from a vindictive Buyer), then they more or less say impossible to win an Appeal, even if we are right. The Bot or Buyer is always believed over a Seller. So, either wait 180 days and hopefully it should fall off the system, or admit liability (even if that is incorrect) and hope no other issues in the next 6 months, as you admitted you were in the wrong.

Suspected Intellectual Property Violations - It uses the word ‘SUSPECTED’ – but then counts against the score. So really means: ‘Guilty of Intellectual Property Violations’ unless you can prove yourself innocent, and not the other way around, as it should be under British law.

The other day the Bots said they found ‘Sony’ mentioned in I think 11 old listings, some of which had no stock for many years. So, then show as repeat offender. Cases: 9679636532 and 9696870552 .

Sony was not in the title, so no intention at all to defraud, but helpful information in the bullet points, eg saying to ‘connect to a Sony Xperia Phone’ or something similar. Which was the accepted terminology of Amazon in the last decade. More recently wanting the term ‘Compatible with Sony Xperia Phone’ – It means the same thing, I am sure Sony do not care, and it is helpful for a Buyer of a Sony phone to know the speaker worked with their product.

We then try and find the ‘offending’ term of ‘Sony’ but NOT in our inventory, the word ‘Sony’ was not there (had removed previously by us). However, Account Health said: on the back-end system as it accepts contributions from all Sellers, it was still showing! – Told to get SS to resolve, which they are useless as always. In the end deleted/closed the listing, but still logged against our Account Health. It means though anyone with that item cannot sell it until resolved, and SS will not resolve now we closed the listing (surely they should still rectify if they want it changed and impossible for a Seller to alter).

Really, there should be a time limit for Amazon to show as a violation after the 'offence' was committed. If it was accepted as being ok on a listing on Amazon previously, then by all means ask to change, but should not count against any Seller (we had some before counting against us, and we did not list the item, selling on an existing listing as told to do. I think one listing went back to 2007 and all ok until 2023, and others where they say Brand Registered, and no one can alter the listing, so cannot sell that item on Amazon, which again if a Seller can prove it should be altered, that should over-ride Brand Registry).

Will Amazon fix their errors, well Amazon think they are perfect, so of course not.

user profile

I add my example which I have mentioned many times before but I think it's quite meaningful in this context.

Last year I was accused to have opened another account in Poland, consequently my account health was affected and two EU stores closed. Account Health teams, forum moderators, appeal teams etc just kept saying that I had to think hard of what connections I had with that account or prove that I had never opened that account by uploading documents. No one even thought that it could have been a mistake, no one considered me innocent or gave me the benefit of the doubt. Only after I applied for a mediator and a human looked into it, my stores were immediately reactivated and the accusation dropped. It took 5 months to prove I was innocent while I was penalised from day 1. How can I keep my account healthy when I have basically no control over so many aspects?

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The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.
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When shipping to EU from the UK for orders placed on an EU marketplace, If the UK has a bank holiday it is not included in the dispatch time and we get marked for late dispatch on the EU stores.

Not a very fair system. Its should take this in to account.


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My account states "Healthy"

It also states "Your account is at risk of deactivation"

So which is it? Healthy or not?

user profile

Hello @Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto,

Do you refer to the Policy Compliance section as presented on the screenshot ?


If yes, the Healthy status refers only to the policy compliance section, which is evaluated based on the Account Health Rating.

Still, there can be other metrics or violations that might impact your Account Health.

Did you review your performance notifications and the rest of the Account Health Dashboard?



user profile

Yes, the account health rating is 204.

My account has been deactivated for two products codes that you say are not legal for sale in the UK but they have been incorrectly marked that way:

MI54561, ASIN B005FYIPSA where I submitted the COSHH sheet to show it is legal.

EP54013, ASIN B00MFALO2G which is for sale on the Epson website directly to UK customers at their website.

I cannot get anyone to understand that this is an Amazon error.

My account health page shows that my account reactivation is under review but I've had an email saying not enough information. Which is it? I've phoned twice today and had two difference answers.

user profile

Hi , I've just had the same , can I please ask if you were able to resolve it , if so how did you do it ?

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@Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto and @Seller_ebsRwZ6auxdDH,

I recommend that you create a separate thread regarding your issues so they can be reviewed.

Please remember to provide all the possible details to understand the situation.

Thank you,


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user profile

Same thing has happened to me. I really don't understand WHY.

I just had a meeting with Amazon 9/23

2024 rolls around and my account is suspended. Not able to reactivate.

Can someone reach out to me. I have been selling with Amazon for over 5+ years.

user profile

Same thing has happened to me. I really don't understand WHY.

I just had a meeting with Amazon 9/23

2024 rolls around and my account is suspended. Not able to reactivate.

Can someone reach out to me. I have been selling with Amazon for over 5+ years.

user profile


Account Health scores may be a good idea, but not if Amazon cannot action correctly, as nearly always seems to be the case.

It needs proper human involvement to resolve matters. The Account Health Team only tend to advise, they should also be able to action and resolve a matter.

The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.

A couple of examples, we have spoken with Account Health:

Policy violation warning - Account Health’s advice is admit you are guilty and Amazon are always right, so the Bots are correct and move on, and the Account Health will improve. When you point out the Bot is wrong (or if the report was from a vindictive Buyer), then they more or less say impossible to win an Appeal, even if we are right. The Bot or Buyer is always believed over a Seller. So, either wait 180 days and hopefully it should fall off the system, or admit liability (even if that is incorrect) and hope no other issues in the next 6 months, as you admitted you were in the wrong.

Suspected Intellectual Property Violations - It uses the word ‘SUSPECTED’ – but then counts against the score. So really means: ‘Guilty of Intellectual Property Violations’ unless you can prove yourself innocent, and not the other way around, as it should be under British law.

The other day the Bots said they found ‘Sony’ mentioned in I think 11 old listings, some of which had no stock for many years. So, then show as repeat offender. Cases: 9679636532 and 9696870552 .

Sony was not in the title, so no intention at all to defraud, but helpful information in the bullet points, eg saying to ‘connect to a Sony Xperia Phone’ or something similar. Which was the accepted terminology of Amazon in the last decade. More recently wanting the term ‘Compatible with Sony Xperia Phone’ – It means the same thing, I am sure Sony do not care, and it is helpful for a Buyer of a Sony phone to know the speaker worked with their product.

We then try and find the ‘offending’ term of ‘Sony’ but NOT in our inventory, the word ‘Sony’ was not there (had removed previously by us). However, Account Health said: on the back-end system as it accepts contributions from all Sellers, it was still showing! – Told to get SS to resolve, which they are useless as always. In the end deleted/closed the listing, but still logged against our Account Health. It means though anyone with that item cannot sell it until resolved, and SS will not resolve now we closed the listing (surely they should still rectify if they want it changed and impossible for a Seller to alter).

Really, there should be a time limit for Amazon to show as a violation after the 'offence' was committed. If it was accepted as being ok on a listing on Amazon previously, then by all means ask to change, but should not count against any Seller (we had some before counting against us, and we did not list the item, selling on an existing listing as told to do. I think one listing went back to 2007 and all ok until 2023, and others where they say Brand Registered, and no one can alter the listing, so cannot sell that item on Amazon, which again if a Seller can prove it should be altered, that should over-ride Brand Registry).

Will Amazon fix their errors, well Amazon think they are perfect, so of course not.

user profile


Account Health scores may be a good idea, but not if Amazon cannot action correctly, as nearly always seems to be the case.

It needs proper human involvement to resolve matters. The Account Health Team only tend to advise, they should also be able to action and resolve a matter.

The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.

A couple of examples, we have spoken with Account Health:

Policy violation warning - Account Health’s advice is admit you are guilty and Amazon are always right, so the Bots are correct and move on, and the Account Health will improve. When you point out the Bot is wrong (or if the report was from a vindictive Buyer), then they more or less say impossible to win an Appeal, even if we are right. The Bot or Buyer is always believed over a Seller. So, either wait 180 days and hopefully it should fall off the system, or admit liability (even if that is incorrect) and hope no other issues in the next 6 months, as you admitted you were in the wrong.

Suspected Intellectual Property Violations - It uses the word ‘SUSPECTED’ – but then counts against the score. So really means: ‘Guilty of Intellectual Property Violations’ unless you can prove yourself innocent, and not the other way around, as it should be under British law.

The other day the Bots said they found ‘Sony’ mentioned in I think 11 old listings, some of which had no stock for many years. So, then show as repeat offender. Cases: 9679636532 and 9696870552 .

Sony was not in the title, so no intention at all to defraud, but helpful information in the bullet points, eg saying to ‘connect to a Sony Xperia Phone’ or something similar. Which was the accepted terminology of Amazon in the last decade. More recently wanting the term ‘Compatible with Sony Xperia Phone’ – It means the same thing, I am sure Sony do not care, and it is helpful for a Buyer of a Sony phone to know the speaker worked with their product.

We then try and find the ‘offending’ term of ‘Sony’ but NOT in our inventory, the word ‘Sony’ was not there (had removed previously by us). However, Account Health said: on the back-end system as it accepts contributions from all Sellers, it was still showing! – Told to get SS to resolve, which they are useless as always. In the end deleted/closed the listing, but still logged against our Account Health. It means though anyone with that item cannot sell it until resolved, and SS will not resolve now we closed the listing (surely they should still rectify if they want it changed and impossible for a Seller to alter).

Really, there should be a time limit for Amazon to show as a violation after the 'offence' was committed. If it was accepted as being ok on a listing on Amazon previously, then by all means ask to change, but should not count against any Seller (we had some before counting against us, and we did not list the item, selling on an existing listing as told to do. I think one listing went back to 2007 and all ok until 2023, and others where they say Brand Registered, and no one can alter the listing, so cannot sell that item on Amazon, which again if a Seller can prove it should be altered, that should over-ride Brand Registry).

Will Amazon fix their errors, well Amazon think they are perfect, so of course not.

user profile

I add my example which I have mentioned many times before but I think it's quite meaningful in this context.

Last year I was accused to have opened another account in Poland, consequently my account health was affected and two EU stores closed. Account Health teams, forum moderators, appeal teams etc just kept saying that I had to think hard of what connections I had with that account or prove that I had never opened that account by uploading documents. No one even thought that it could have been a mistake, no one considered me innocent or gave me the benefit of the doubt. Only after I applied for a mediator and a human looked into it, my stores were immediately reactivated and the accusation dropped. It took 5 months to prove I was innocent while I was penalised from day 1. How can I keep my account healthy when I have basically no control over so many aspects?

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The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.
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I add my example which I have mentioned many times before but I think it's quite meaningful in this context.

Last year I was accused to have opened another account in Poland, consequently my account health was affected and two EU stores closed. Account Health teams, forum moderators, appeal teams etc just kept saying that I had to think hard of what connections I had with that account or prove that I had never opened that account by uploading documents. No one even thought that it could have been a mistake, no one considered me innocent or gave me the benefit of the doubt. Only after I applied for a mediator and a human looked into it, my stores were immediately reactivated and the accusation dropped. It took 5 months to prove I was innocent while I was penalised from day 1. How can I keep my account healthy when I have basically no control over so many aspects?

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The general Amazon thought of: a Seller is Guilty until proven innocent, and every Buyer is a Saint and cannot tell a lie, needs to be changed.
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When shipping to EU from the UK for orders placed on an EU marketplace, If the UK has a bank holiday it is not included in the dispatch time and we get marked for late dispatch on the EU stores.

Not a very fair system. Its should take this in to account.


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When shipping to EU from the UK for orders placed on an EU marketplace, If the UK has a bank holiday it is not included in the dispatch time and we get marked for late dispatch on the EU stores.

Not a very fair system. Its should take this in to account.


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My account states "Healthy"

It also states "Your account is at risk of deactivation"

So which is it? Healthy or not?

user profile

My account states "Healthy"

It also states "Your account is at risk of deactivation"

So which is it? Healthy or not?

user profile

Hello @Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto,

Do you refer to the Policy Compliance section as presented on the screenshot ?


If yes, the Healthy status refers only to the policy compliance section, which is evaluated based on the Account Health Rating.

Still, there can be other metrics or violations that might impact your Account Health.

Did you review your performance notifications and the rest of the Account Health Dashboard?



user profile

Hello @Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto,

Do you refer to the Policy Compliance section as presented on the screenshot ?


If yes, the Healthy status refers only to the policy compliance section, which is evaluated based on the Account Health Rating.

Still, there can be other metrics or violations that might impact your Account Health.

Did you review your performance notifications and the rest of the Account Health Dashboard?



user profile

Yes, the account health rating is 204.

My account has been deactivated for two products codes that you say are not legal for sale in the UK but they have been incorrectly marked that way:

MI54561, ASIN B005FYIPSA where I submitted the COSHH sheet to show it is legal.

EP54013, ASIN B00MFALO2G which is for sale on the Epson website directly to UK customers at their website.

I cannot get anyone to understand that this is an Amazon error.

My account health page shows that my account reactivation is under review but I've had an email saying not enough information. Which is it? I've phoned twice today and had two difference answers.

user profile

Yes, the account health rating is 204.

My account has been deactivated for two products codes that you say are not legal for sale in the UK but they have been incorrectly marked that way:

MI54561, ASIN B005FYIPSA where I submitted the COSHH sheet to show it is legal.

EP54013, ASIN B00MFALO2G which is for sale on the Epson website directly to UK customers at their website.

I cannot get anyone to understand that this is an Amazon error.

My account health page shows that my account reactivation is under review but I've had an email saying not enough information. Which is it? I've phoned twice today and had two difference answers.

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Hi , I've just had the same , can I please ask if you were able to resolve it , if so how did you do it ?

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Hi , I've just had the same , can I please ask if you were able to resolve it , if so how did you do it ?

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@Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto and @Seller_ebsRwZ6auxdDH,

I recommend that you create a separate thread regarding your issues so they can be reviewed.

Please remember to provide all the possible details to understand the situation.

Thank you,


user profile

@Seller_KyPZ8FhRtsTto and @Seller_ebsRwZ6auxdDH,

I recommend that you create a separate thread regarding your issues so they can be reviewed.

Please remember to provide all the possible details to understand the situation.

Thank you,


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