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Competitive price:

Hi Respected All,

i need some sujjestion about Competitive price: Amazon sujjest some Competitive price: at my 3 ASIN at that price after paying Fees i losst almots 2 pounds at each prducts . Before some days it was all ok selling was good buy Suddenly all happened. Please sujjest what can i do for getting sales regulerly , i was open a case with Amazon but they said its due to normal review. Case i,d is 9840604092

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We have come across the same issue just this weekend past. Amazon decided that my ASIN which is priced at £33.95 should be priced at £15.98!! This item costs £30 including all fees!

Best of it all is I am the brand owner, sole importer and reseller for this product. How the Amazon robot has detected this product being sold elsewhere is bemusing. I do not sell this product to anyone else to resell, if someone external to Amazon is selling this product it is a fraudulant seller.

The sales on this ASIN per month is £30k of which now we have nothing!

Support are not interested in discussing this at all and have told me to match the competitive price or the buy box won't be reactivated.

Can anyone assist this huge error!?

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Competitive price:

Hi Respected All,

i need some sujjestion about Competitive price: Amazon sujjest some Competitive price: at my 3 ASIN at that price after paying Fees i losst almots 2 pounds at each prducts . Before some days it was all ok selling was good buy Suddenly all happened. Please sujjest what can i do for getting sales regulerly , i was open a case with Amazon but they said its due to normal review. Case i,d is 9840604092

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Competitive price:

by Seller_b5DFoHKZ1r1Fl

Hi Respected All,

i need some sujjestion about Competitive price: Amazon sujjest some Competitive price: at my 3 ASIN at that price after paying Fees i losst almots 2 pounds at each prducts . Before some days it was all ok selling was good buy Suddenly all happened. Please sujjest what can i do for getting sales regulerly , i was open a case with Amazon but they said its due to normal review. Case i,d is 9840604092

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We have come across the same issue just this weekend past. Amazon decided that my ASIN which is priced at £33.95 should be priced at £15.98!! This item costs £30 including all fees!

Best of it all is I am the brand owner, sole importer and reseller for this product. How the Amazon robot has detected this product being sold elsewhere is bemusing. I do not sell this product to anyone else to resell, if someone external to Amazon is selling this product it is a fraudulant seller.

The sales on this ASIN per month is £30k of which now we have nothing!

Support are not interested in discussing this at all and have told me to match the competitive price or the buy box won't be reactivated.

Can anyone assist this huge error!?

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We have come across the same issue just this weekend past. Amazon decided that my ASIN which is priced at £33.95 should be priced at £15.98!! This item costs £30 including all fees!

Best of it all is I am the brand owner, sole importer and reseller for this product. How the Amazon robot has detected this product being sold elsewhere is bemusing. I do not sell this product to anyone else to resell, if someone external to Amazon is selling this product it is a fraudulant seller.

The sales on this ASIN per month is £30k of which now we have nothing!

Support are not interested in discussing this at all and have told me to match the competitive price or the buy box won't be reactivated.

Can anyone assist this huge error!?

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We have come across the same issue just this weekend past. Amazon decided that my ASIN which is priced at £33.95 should be priced at £15.98!! This item costs £30 including all fees!

Best of it all is I am the brand owner, sole importer and reseller for this product. How the Amazon robot has detected this product being sold elsewhere is bemusing. I do not sell this product to anyone else to resell, if someone external to Amazon is selling this product it is a fraudulant seller.

The sales on this ASIN per month is £30k of which now we have nothing!

Support are not interested in discussing this at all and have told me to match the competitive price or the buy box won't be reactivated.

Can anyone assist this huge error!?

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