Read onlyI had been selling this brand on Amazon for quite a long time, but Amazon suspended my listings in 2019 following a few complaints about a product. Since then, I’ve been submitting invoices, authorisation letters, and documents proving that the brand owner supplied the goods to us, along with bank statements that match the brand name and the amount in the invoices. Despite submitting all the relevant documents, nothing has been resolved.
I keep receiving the message on the case,10690399662 "documents must be authentic and unaltered to be verified." I have submitted the invoices directly from the brand owner, which are authentic, and I'm unsure what else to provide. This was one of my best-selling brands, and I’ve lost nearly half of my sales as a result.
Amazon team, please help. This is my case ID: 10690399662
@Ezra_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Sakura_Amazon_ @Sarah_Amzn @Winston_Amazon