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Correcting our branded products

by Seller_9mEEQLv5WzgQM

We have a brand and sell various products under that brand, they are video games and annoyingly as soon as we announce a product someone creates a listing on Amazon for it, connecting it to our brand, before we can create our own listing. When we look at there listing they have input totally wrong information, and screenshots for different systems etc, which is a big no no in our industry, yet i am not able to correct this? I have raised an IP objection through Amazons system explaining that the information in the descriptions and screen shots are incorrect, yet they just reply with a message saying there is no infringement.

How can we get this corrected, or take ownership of the listing to ensure all the info is correct for the customer? we cant create our own as it just connects to this one and we still cant correct it? we have had this happen 3 times now.

Tags: Intellectual property infringements
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In reply to: Seller_9mEEQLv5WzgQM’s post

sounds like you need to search Amazon Brand Registry

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In reply to: Seller_9mEEQLv5WzgQM’s post

For future reference why not create a listing before making announcing the product launch. You can make the listing which will remain suppressed until you add stock to it.

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In reply to: Seller_9mEEQLv5WzgQM’s post

Do you own the trademark for the brand? If not you should. You can then register it on Amazon.

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