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Trademark Violation but is My Trademark

by Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj

I received a possibly incorrect complaint from another company stating that I was using their trademark, but my trademark is duly registered.

After Amazon's request, I duly sent my trademark registration to Amazon but 10 days have passed and Amazon still hasn't responded to me, but in the meantime that ASIN item has been suspended in my company market.

I repeat, I have sent all the UK and US documentation of my successful registration of my Trdamerk!

I wanted to ask if this has ever happened to anyone? and what are Amazon's response times? Is it possible that it takes so long to check the regular documents?

Thanks for anyone who wants to give me a kind reply.

Tags: Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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In reply to: Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj’s post

Have you checked to see what the Trademark is that the other company used to make the complaint?

I've seen complaints being upheld by Amazon when the trademark was for a different product class to the product being complained about. If that's the case, you should be able to highlight to the Account Health Team that your trademark and theirs are for different product classes, and so you're not in violation.

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In reply to: Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj’s post

Hello @Seller_nXNgFfqJXy5yj,

Thank you for reaching out!

I would like to follow up and see if there are any updates on your case.



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