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Account seller fulfilment deactivated looking like funds being holded forever and fba giving me terrible delivery times


i started selling items and sold a bunch of items through seller fulfilment my account saying 100% valid tracking rate even though some yet most of items were untracked however only had 1 customer complaint regarding not delivery and they are requesting information i have given this information like 10 times every time stating i need to give this information which i have

what makes this worst is i got an email saying it would be a hold for 30days and seller fulfillment deactivated until they confirm delivery which seems completely ridiculous however as i have appealed and they are not accepting the documents my account is now going to be deactivated forever after 90days of them not accepting my documents rang amazon 10 times at this point no help what so ever there not even clear of what information i should give so my account will be on hold funds forever and i wont be able to do my own orders

thirdly i sent my orders in fba all the delivery times are just completely ages away and cant sell anything at this rate completely ruining my amazon business can some actual human help me sort this out

@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

We do not have enough information to reinstate your account for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Evidence of delivery or verify that currently uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof-of-delivery documentation.

-- You may be missing critical business information from your account to validate positive buyer-seller history across other sales channels. Provide supporting documents that includes but are not limited to business website and email or company bank information.

-- We have observed a significant increase to your sales or an unusual change in your selling patterns. Please provide us supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

this is what it keeps asking me even though i have given it its a joke amazon have just forced to send everything to them and now they in result i have terrible delivery times from them and i am paying them every month not to able to sell items myself

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B@Sakura_Amazon_

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Sakura_Amazon_

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Have you sent all the things they've asked for?

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Hello @Seller_tiQp6CyXWHV9y,

I saw that you already created a post about the same issue here: Account Been deactivated not even sold anything

Therefore, I am closing this one as a duplicate. If you would like to provide more information on the topic, write a comment in the original post. Please, avoid creating duplicate threads in the future.

Cheers, Ezra

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Account seller fulfilment deactivated looking like funds being holded forever and fba giving me terrible delivery times


i started selling items and sold a bunch of items through seller fulfilment my account saying 100% valid tracking rate even though some yet most of items were untracked however only had 1 customer complaint regarding not delivery and they are requesting information i have given this information like 10 times every time stating i need to give this information which i have

what makes this worst is i got an email saying it would be a hold for 30days and seller fulfillment deactivated until they confirm delivery which seems completely ridiculous however as i have appealed and they are not accepting the documents my account is now going to be deactivated forever after 90days of them not accepting my documents rang amazon 10 times at this point no help what so ever there not even clear of what information i should give so my account will be on hold funds forever and i wont be able to do my own orders

thirdly i sent my orders in fba all the delivery times are just completely ages away and cant sell anything at this rate completely ruining my amazon business can some actual human help me sort this out

@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

We do not have enough information to reinstate your account for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Evidence of delivery or verify that currently uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof-of-delivery documentation.

-- You may be missing critical business information from your account to validate positive buyer-seller history across other sales channels. Provide supporting documents that includes but are not limited to business website and email or company bank information.

-- We have observed a significant increase to your sales or an unusual change in your selling patterns. Please provide us supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

this is what it keeps asking me even though i have given it its a joke amazon have just forced to send everything to them and now they in result i have terrible delivery times from them and i am paying them every month not to able to sell items myself

6 replies
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Account seller fulfilment deactivated looking like funds being holded forever and fba giving me terrible delivery times

by Seller_tiQp6CyXWHV9y


i started selling items and sold a bunch of items through seller fulfilment my account saying 100% valid tracking rate even though some yet most of items were untracked however only had 1 customer complaint regarding not delivery and they are requesting information i have given this information like 10 times every time stating i need to give this information which i have

what makes this worst is i got an email saying it would be a hold for 30days and seller fulfillment deactivated until they confirm delivery which seems completely ridiculous however as i have appealed and they are not accepting the documents my account is now going to be deactivated forever after 90days of them not accepting my documents rang amazon 10 times at this point no help what so ever there not even clear of what information i should give so my account will be on hold funds forever and i wont be able to do my own orders

thirdly i sent my orders in fba all the delivery times are just completely ages away and cant sell anything at this rate completely ruining my amazon business can some actual human help me sort this out

@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

We do not have enough information to reinstate your account for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Evidence of delivery or verify that currently uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof-of-delivery documentation.

-- You may be missing critical business information from your account to validate positive buyer-seller history across other sales channels. Provide supporting documents that includes but are not limited to business website and email or company bank information.

-- We have observed a significant increase to your sales or an unusual change in your selling patterns. Please provide us supporting evidence that you have inventory to fulfill all of the orders placed. This includes but is not limited to copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 365 days.

this is what it keeps asking me even though i have given it its a joke amazon have just forced to send everything to them and now they in result i have terrible delivery times from them and i am paying them every month not to able to sell items myself

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B@Sakura_Amazon_

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Sakura_Amazon_

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Have you sent all the things they've asked for?

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Hello @Seller_tiQp6CyXWHV9y,

I saw that you already created a post about the same issue here: Account Been deactivated not even sold anything

Therefore, I am closing this one as a duplicate. If you would like to provide more information on the topic, write a comment in the original post. Please, avoid creating duplicate threads in the future.

Cheers, Ezra

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B@Sakura_Amazon_

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B@Sakura_Amazon_

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Sakura_Amazon_

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@Sarah_Amzn @Julia_Amzn @Julia_Amazon @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B @Sakura_Amazon_

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Have you sent all the things they've asked for?

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Have you sent all the things they've asked for?

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Hello @Seller_tiQp6CyXWHV9y,

I saw that you already created a post about the same issue here: Account Been deactivated not even sold anything

Therefore, I am closing this one as a duplicate. If you would like to provide more information on the topic, write a comment in the original post. Please, avoid creating duplicate threads in the future.

Cheers, Ezra

user profile

Hello @Seller_tiQp6CyXWHV9y,

I saw that you already created a post about the same issue here: Account Been deactivated not even sold anything

Therefore, I am closing this one as a duplicate. If you would like to provide more information on the topic, write a comment in the original post. Please, avoid creating duplicate threads in the future.

Cheers, Ezra

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