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Are You Leveraging AI to Grow Your Business?

by Sarah_Amzn

Hello everyone!

In today's ever-evolving business world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent and can provide significant advantages to our commercial operations. This is why I'm curious to know: do you use AI in your work, and if so, how?

Whether it's optimizing inventory management, personalizing product recommendations for your customers, automating responses to frequently asked questions, or even predicting market trends, AI offers a wide range of possibilities to improve the efficiency and profitability of our businesses.

  • If you are already using AI, what tools or technologies are you using? What benefits have you observed? Have you faced any challenges in integrating AI into your business?
  • If you're not using AI yet, what are your questions or concerns? What areas do you think could benefit most from integrating AI into your company?

Share your ideas, experiences, and thoughts in the comments below! This discussion is an opportunity for all of us to learn from each other and explore how AI can enhance our business practices.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Tags: 3P software, Advertising, Increase reviews, International expansion, Keywords
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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

Would amazon be willing to share how they are using AI in return?

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

I'm not sharing my trade secrets. ; D

Written by AI

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

This must be a joke, you want us to share our thoughts and ideas , with our competitor , so you can take that information and use it yourself . like when you tell us that we are selling fake products, and you need our wholesalers details so you can authenticate the items, then start selling them yourself . count me out

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

If Amazon's experience with AI is an example of what it does, then I won't be touching AI with a barge pole.

Just had more products suspended from Amazon's search because the images of my engraved photo frames have words on them, and therefore don't meet Amazon's rules. All my products are personalised and if Amazon's bot suspends any more of my products from their search because the images show the personalisation I won't have a business left.

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

I can tell you that I don't use AI for interactions with customers. Customers get a real person, I think it's important and generally they love it. But I do use AI when a customer is rude and obnoxious as I don't want to get emotionally involved.

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

AI is overhyped if you are selling on Amazon.

Amazon has multiple AI tools behind the scenes that do various tasks, and does them badly.

Products get deactivated for no good reason, can't spot simple product/review/competitor manipulation, brand hijacking, product page issues, verification issues, seller support, etc.

The platform has got worse over the years, since amazon has automated more functions and rely increasingly on AI tools.

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

From feedback I have seen on other forums Customers dislike AI. They dislike product listings written by AI as they are often meaningless. They hate interaction with AI to solve issues they would rather be able to talk to an actual person who can help.

For managing stock, spotting sales trends and optimising business efficiency there have been for many years software to help with this. I wouldn't personally say this is utilising AI

I really don't see the need to utilise AI in any way at the moment. I don't thinknit will benefit my business nor do I think it would benefit my customers.

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

If I lived on a TROPICAL island, and then buried my gold coins in the sand for a later date.

I would not tell everyone in the pub where I had exactly buried my gold coins, now would I?

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In reply to: Sarah_Amzn’s post

We use HI (human intelligence) as much as possible - customers prefer it. Sadly, what they get on Amazon is AI. Which feels a bit odd for "earth's most customer-centric company", but hey ho.

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