Postage, Amazon


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Postage, Amazon

I come across this forum a lot about using Amazon postage. And I am asking myself, why should I? I am quite comfortable using RM postage. Over some discussions, I can see some animated discussions on why we "must" use Amazon postage to prevent a hit on metrics or something like that.

I haven't really explored this option.

And therefore I know nothing.

However, I can see four huge benefits buying postage off RM.

1, Clarity on size and weight

2, Free Collection

3, Free Label

4, This might sound sad but many a time I wouldn't have balance on Amazon, using RM means I use credit card

Why on earth should I buy postage off amazon.

And actually looking at drop menu, I notice that several services are not in use. Like Amazon logistics for example. Many are greyed out. Well this is something I saw several years ago. I haven't checked recently. And at the time I thought to myself, why on earth do they offer this feature when half the services are not in use.

And what is all this noise about VTR, please?

Should I be worried that I know nothing about VTR?

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Tags:Royal Mail, Seller fulfilled, Shipping, Shipping costs, Shipping labels
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Yes, you should be worried.

Suggest you read the relevant bits of Amazon's policy re. VTR.

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Should I be worried that I know nothing about VTR?
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the only postage you absolutely have to purchase from Amazon Buy Shipping (note it would still likely be Royal Mail postage you actually purchase, just through Amazon) is if it’s letter size, as there’s no tracking on this for VTR requirements. Anything above large letter has at least a doorstep delivery confirmation scan so is compliant with VTR.

But you do really need to read up on VTR policy at this point, considering they can stop your ability to sell in a category if you fall foul of it.

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Goodness, I read on your other post about RM that you know nothing about VTR - when it was first introduced there were literally thousands of forum posts and threads about it - you REALLY do need to understand it, and cannot believe that you are not aware of it.

VTR (valid tracking rate) does NOT mean you have to send everything tracked, and a waste of money for items under about £20, but you do need to confirm shipment correctly (do NOT use the stamps/franking option), and as said, if you use 'Buy Shipping' that will keep your VTR metric good.

As said, for Letter size you MUST buy from Amazon. I believe you said you are mostly FBA, and only have a few FBM sales for books. How do you usually buy your postage ? - from the PO ? - if so then Buy Shipping is 50p cheaper for small parcel size than at the PO, so a no-brainer, unless you buy from RM online, which is same price.

Your 4 points about buying from RM are all valid, so if that works for you, that's fine, just as long as you confirm shipment correctly.

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Yes, valid tracking, ok that is VTR. I have heard of valid tracking. I always have 100% delivery.
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Dont confuse VTR with ODR metrics. They are 2 different systems.

VTR is Valid Tracking Rate. It is about providing valid tracking numbers and having the parcel scanned and nothing to do with delivery. So the fact you have 100% delivery will not effect VTR. You could have 100% delivery (as in no customer has said they have not received the parcel) but a low VTR if you have not provided the tracking numbers and selected the right service when marking dispatched.

Amazon accepts the Royal Mail CRL24/48 service as valid for VTR - but with this the parcel is only scanned at point of delivery. This is often overlooked with only about 80% being scanned. So people doing FBM and using Royal Mail CRL will often run at 80% VTR. But the important thing here is that Amazon will check the tracking numbers anyway to verify - so you could have a low VTR but still be ok because of these checks. A Tracked 24/48 parcel is scanned several times as it moves through the network so any of these scans with verify the tracking with Amazon.

If you are mainly FBA with the odd FBM item then you will probably never have to worry about it. Both FBA or using Buy Shipping will give you 100% VTR.

If an order is not delivered (or beyond its estimated date of arrival) then this affects your ODR metric and not VTR. Again - FBA will protect you. Using Buy Shipping SHOULD protect you (but it is not by any means guaranteed it will). Using FBM then all problems with delivery will affect your ODR.

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Shout out to @Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh & @Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q for the great posts!

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