Welcome to the new Amazon Seller Forums - we’re glad you’re here! With thousands of new posts each day and millions of sellers just like you participating, Forums is your daily resource that can help you launch and find success selling in Amazon’s store. It’s your destination for sharing experiences and best practices, and receiving useful insights from Amazon Community Managers and Amazon thought leaders to help grow your business.
Not only does Forums have a brand-new look and feel, we’ve also added:
Simpler navigation and search, so it’s faster for you to get the help and advice you’re looking for.
Advanced filtering so you can sort by votes, views and number of replies. You can also quickly see if Amazon provided a response.
Voting features to indicate a post as helpful, not helpful, or flag it for Amazon to review. You’re also able to flag which response to your question was most helpful.
Personalization, allowing you to see more content from topics related to your business and interests by selecting relevant categories in your profile.
An expanded team of Amazon Community Managers to join you in discussions with ideas and tips as well as ensure conversations are safe and welcoming for everyone.
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re already familiar with the Seller Forums, welcome back!
Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the Forums!
- Your Seller Forums Team
Welcome to the new Amazon Seller Forums - we’re glad you’re here! With thousands of new posts each day and millions of sellers just like you participating, Forums is your daily resource that can help you launch and find success selling in Amazon’s store. It’s your destination for sharing experiences and best practices, and receiving useful insights from Amazon Community Managers and Amazon thought leaders to help grow your business.
Not only does Forums have a brand-new look and feel, we’ve also added:
Simpler navigation and search, so it’s faster for you to get the help and advice you’re looking for.
Advanced filtering so you can sort by votes, views and number of replies. You can also quickly see if Amazon provided a response.
Voting features to indicate a post as helpful, not helpful, or flag it for Amazon to review. You’re also able to flag which response to your question was most helpful.
Personalization, allowing you to see more content from topics related to your business and interests by selecting relevant categories in your profile.
An expanded team of Amazon Community Managers to join you in discussions with ideas and tips as well as ensure conversations are safe and welcoming for everyone.
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re already familiar with the Seller Forums, welcome back!
Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the Forums!
- Your Seller Forums Team
Hi @Jessica I think you should take a look at the thread below, this will tell you how people are finding it.
I'll just type a pointless response here as it's the only way I can bookmark a discussion.
I find the new layout almost impossible to navigate in any meaningful way.
There are far too many buttons and options that serve no real purpose.
The previous layout, though not perfect, was far simpler and more intuitive.
With this new one, it's difficult to find new posts and replies to posts within existing threads tend to get lost by becoming nests within nests.
Sometimes less is more.
You can try and gaslight us into thinking this is better, but you've literally just destroyed one of the only reliable avenues of support for most of us.
Shame on you and whoever authorised all of this, a really sad time to be an amazon seller in my opinion.
No doubt someone got paid a lot to design something from the 1980s
All the same colours !!!!!!!!
Received a warning because I wanted GB
I am not a small child
What was wrong with the old layout
I understand the need to stamp out bullying and Gaslighting
Is this really going to achieve anything ?
I just got a headache
It's definitely vintage, not impressed with the layout and I can't see the latest posts :(
It's just shoddy.
Won't let me add a pic to my profile.
I can't bookmark threads.
I was not allowed to post a reply to someone because of my "offensive" language - I had used the word "useless" in reference to SS.
You can;t jump to the bottom of a thread, you just have to keep on scrolling
I used to visit the old - far better - forum many times a day, now I just forget about it, too hard to use.
A child could have designed something far better than this
Absolute rubbish, it's too messy. Why such a big company as Amazon cannot even sort out forum properly. Trying your best but ending up as always
On the current form, it's "positive 0 - negative 31". Not one single person has said that the new forum is any good. Whoever designed it was obviously a resident of Mars because only somebody from a billion miles away could have created something like this !!
Welcome to the new Amazon Seller Forums - we’re glad you’re here! With thousands of new posts each day and millions of sellers just like you participating, Forums is your daily resource that can help you launch and find success selling in Amazon’s store. It’s your destination for sharing experiences and best practices, and receiving useful insights from Amazon Community Managers and Amazon thought leaders to help grow your business.
Not only does Forums have a brand-new look and feel, we’ve also added:
Simpler navigation and search, so it’s faster for you to get the help and advice you’re looking for.
Advanced filtering so you can sort by votes, views and number of replies. You can also quickly see if Amazon provided a response.
Voting features to indicate a post as helpful, not helpful, or flag it for Amazon to review. You’re also able to flag which response to your question was most helpful.
Personalization, allowing you to see more content from topics related to your business and interests by selecting relevant categories in your profile.
An expanded team of Amazon Community Managers to join you in discussions with ideas and tips as well as ensure conversations are safe and welcoming for everyone.
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re already familiar with the Seller Forums, welcome back!
Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the Forums!
- Your Seller Forums Team
Welcome to the new Amazon Seller Forums - we’re glad you’re here! With thousands of new posts each day and millions of sellers just like you participating, Forums is your daily resource that can help you launch and find success selling in Amazon’s store. It’s your destination for sharing experiences and best practices, and receiving useful insights from Amazon Community Managers and Amazon thought leaders to help grow your business.
Not only does Forums have a brand-new look and feel, we’ve also added:
Simpler navigation and search, so it’s faster for you to get the help and advice you’re looking for.
Advanced filtering so you can sort by votes, views and number of replies. You can also quickly see if Amazon provided a response.
Voting features to indicate a post as helpful, not helpful, or flag it for Amazon to review. You’re also able to flag which response to your question was most helpful.
Personalization, allowing you to see more content from topics related to your business and interests by selecting relevant categories in your profile.
An expanded team of Amazon Community Managers to join you in discussions with ideas and tips as well as ensure conversations are safe and welcoming for everyone.
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re already familiar with the Seller Forums, welcome back!
Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the Forums!
- Your Seller Forums Team
Welcome to the new Amazon Seller Forums - we’re glad you’re here! With thousands of new posts each day and millions of sellers just like you participating, Forums is your daily resource that can help you launch and find success selling in Amazon’s store. It’s your destination for sharing experiences and best practices, and receiving useful insights from Amazon Community Managers and Amazon thought leaders to help grow your business.
Not only does Forums have a brand-new look and feel, we’ve also added:
Simpler navigation and search, so it’s faster for you to get the help and advice you’re looking for.
Advanced filtering so you can sort by votes, views and number of replies. You can also quickly see if Amazon provided a response.
Voting features to indicate a post as helpful, not helpful, or flag it for Amazon to review. You’re also able to flag which response to your question was most helpful.
Personalization, allowing you to see more content from topics related to your business and interests by selecting relevant categories in your profile.
An expanded team of Amazon Community Managers to join you in discussions with ideas and tips as well as ensure conversations are safe and welcoming for everyone.
If this is your first time here, welcome! If you’re already familiar with the Seller Forums, welcome back!
Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the Forums!
- Your Seller Forums Team
Hi @Jessica I think you should take a look at the thread below, this will tell you how people are finding it.
I'll just type a pointless response here as it's the only way I can bookmark a discussion.
I find the new layout almost impossible to navigate in any meaningful way.
There are far too many buttons and options that serve no real purpose.
The previous layout, though not perfect, was far simpler and more intuitive.
With this new one, it's difficult to find new posts and replies to posts within existing threads tend to get lost by becoming nests within nests.
Sometimes less is more.
You can try and gaslight us into thinking this is better, but you've literally just destroyed one of the only reliable avenues of support for most of us.
Shame on you and whoever authorised all of this, a really sad time to be an amazon seller in my opinion.
No doubt someone got paid a lot to design something from the 1980s
All the same colours !!!!!!!!
Received a warning because I wanted GB
I am not a small child
What was wrong with the old layout
I understand the need to stamp out bullying and Gaslighting
Is this really going to achieve anything ?
I just got a headache
It's definitely vintage, not impressed with the layout and I can't see the latest posts :(
It's just shoddy.
Won't let me add a pic to my profile.
I can't bookmark threads.
I was not allowed to post a reply to someone because of my "offensive" language - I had used the word "useless" in reference to SS.
You can;t jump to the bottom of a thread, you just have to keep on scrolling
I used to visit the old - far better - forum many times a day, now I just forget about it, too hard to use.
A child could have designed something far better than this
Absolute rubbish, it's too messy. Why such a big company as Amazon cannot even sort out forum properly. Trying your best but ending up as always
On the current form, it's "positive 0 - negative 31". Not one single person has said that the new forum is any good. Whoever designed it was obviously a resident of Mars because only somebody from a billion miles away could have created something like this !!
Hi @Jessica I think you should take a look at the thread below, this will tell you how people are finding it.
Hi @Jessica I think you should take a look at the thread below, this will tell you how people are finding it.
I'll just type a pointless response here as it's the only way I can bookmark a discussion.
I'll just type a pointless response here as it's the only way I can bookmark a discussion.
I find the new layout almost impossible to navigate in any meaningful way.
There are far too many buttons and options that serve no real purpose.
The previous layout, though not perfect, was far simpler and more intuitive.
With this new one, it's difficult to find new posts and replies to posts within existing threads tend to get lost by becoming nests within nests.
Sometimes less is more.
I find the new layout almost impossible to navigate in any meaningful way.
There are far too many buttons and options that serve no real purpose.
The previous layout, though not perfect, was far simpler and more intuitive.
With this new one, it's difficult to find new posts and replies to posts within existing threads tend to get lost by becoming nests within nests.
Sometimes less is more.
You can try and gaslight us into thinking this is better, but you've literally just destroyed one of the only reliable avenues of support for most of us.
Shame on you and whoever authorised all of this, a really sad time to be an amazon seller in my opinion.
You can try and gaslight us into thinking this is better, but you've literally just destroyed one of the only reliable avenues of support for most of us.
Shame on you and whoever authorised all of this, a really sad time to be an amazon seller in my opinion.
No doubt someone got paid a lot to design something from the 1980s
All the same colours !!!!!!!!
Received a warning because I wanted GB
I am not a small child
What was wrong with the old layout
I understand the need to stamp out bullying and Gaslighting
Is this really going to achieve anything ?
I just got a headache
No doubt someone got paid a lot to design something from the 1980s
All the same colours !!!!!!!!
Received a warning because I wanted GB
I am not a small child
What was wrong with the old layout
I understand the need to stamp out bullying and Gaslighting
Is this really going to achieve anything ?
I just got a headache
It's definitely vintage, not impressed with the layout and I can't see the latest posts :(
It's definitely vintage, not impressed with the layout and I can't see the latest posts :(
It's just shoddy.
Won't let me add a pic to my profile.
I can't bookmark threads.
I was not allowed to post a reply to someone because of my "offensive" language - I had used the word "useless" in reference to SS.
You can;t jump to the bottom of a thread, you just have to keep on scrolling
I used to visit the old - far better - forum many times a day, now I just forget about it, too hard to use.
A child could have designed something far better than this
It's just shoddy.
Won't let me add a pic to my profile.
I can't bookmark threads.
I was not allowed to post a reply to someone because of my "offensive" language - I had used the word "useless" in reference to SS.
You can;t jump to the bottom of a thread, you just have to keep on scrolling
I used to visit the old - far better - forum many times a day, now I just forget about it, too hard to use.
A child could have designed something far better than this
It's terrible, please change it back.
Absolute rubbish, it's too messy. Why such a big company as Amazon cannot even sort out forum properly. Trying your best but ending up as always
Absolute rubbish, it's too messy. Why such a big company as Amazon cannot even sort out forum properly. Trying your best but ending up as always
On the current form, it's "positive 0 - negative 31". Not one single person has said that the new forum is any good. Whoever designed it was obviously a resident of Mars because only somebody from a billion miles away could have created something like this !!
On the current form, it's "positive 0 - negative 31". Not one single person has said that the new forum is any good. Whoever designed it was obviously a resident of Mars because only somebody from a billion miles away could have created something like this !!