Read onlyI'm sick of Amazon punishing our ODR with every A to Z case this time of year. We buy all our shipping through Amazon, and have Royal Mail collect every day, including Saturday and Sunday this xmas. I would like a mod to help me with this, as we have closed our store for the last two weeks due to the slow post this time of year, and our ODR is being damaged because seller support refuses to reverse the ODR being affected, despite their own policy stating that we would be protected if we used Amazon buy shipping.
They're so quick to punish, but so slow to admit their own mistakes!
I have around 10 A to Z cases which we have funded, and have had the ODR against us. Please someone get in touch about this. Seller support is useless AS ALWAYS.
Hello @Seller_yGFP9vQJKe1zg,
Can you share a case ID with me so I can look into it?
Regards, Spencer
Appeal using the following template -
The postage for this order was purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping so this claim should not affect our ODR Order Defect Rate and ODR should state NO. As per Amazon's official Shipping Policy in your terms and conditions - "A-to-z Guarantee claims: If you purchase Amazon's Buy Shipping and ship on time, you are protected against a-to-z claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. Those claims will not affect your Order Defect Rate but you are still responsible for the financial loss of these claims." Why is the ODR showing as YES for this A-to-z claim when we have complied with the above policy, purchased shipping through Buy Shipping and shipped on time? Surely this should state ODR affected NO? Therefore being as we have fully complied with the above policy and purchased Amazon's Buy Shipping and also accept the financial loss we request that the ODR should be amended to NO.