Read onlyWe are using SSA under which Amazon's policy states that they promise to suppress negative feedback for late deliveries, yet we are receiving negative feedback and when we request removal Amazon are refusing our requests. I have spent best part of three days going back and forth and Seller Support keep telling me they can't remove it unless I request it through Feedback Manager which I have already done and it was denied, and now you can only request it once through feedback manager and when you try again it tells you to open a new case. So I open a new case and the response is that I have to request it through feedback manager which I cannot do! Round and round in circles!!
Has anyone else had this problem ? If so what was the solution ? If anyone from Amazon support is reading this please can you look at the cases below so that we can get this feedback removed
Yes it is an ongoing problem and one SS have restrictions and cannot resolve, they inform.
The feedback is to be struck through, NOT removed for Buy Shipping issues. SS and Feedbacks in general do not seem to know the difference!
They only have feedback removal as the option, and it is not one of the 4 fixed rigid reasons, it is separate to be struck through, which SS are so thick, they do not know how to deal with.
@Simon_Amazon - fancy looking at this again, as everyone having this issue, it is unfair as an Amazon policy being ignored by SS - We had case: 10431287942 - LINK:
You are possibly looking in the wrong area to escalate the removal case.
Go to your top right of seller central and hover over Help, then go down to "Manage Support Cases" and click.
Then in the case logs, look for the feedback removal case that was closed and appeal through this case by clicking on "View" then "Need more help"
This then allows you to re-open the case through the original denial and then quote policy etc. in the appeal.
This should be read by a human and not a bot and should then get a proper response.
This is the ONLY way that Amazon will allow you to appeal a feedback removal denial.
Hope it helps !!
I have a similar situation, I have a negative feedback for item not received left before the EDD. Obviously this is against Amazon policy but I keep being told to use Feedback Manager which I have done. Only problem is Feedback Manager is totally useless and not fit for purpose. I have no problem using Amazon processes but they should work. I have an A-Z as well for late delivery, I purchased the shipping through Amazon and there was some unexpected delay, customer now has product and money my IDR is hit but it should not be because shipping was purchased on Amazon.
Hello @Seller_mK39BluN6vvEh,
I'm Sarah with Amazon.
I will check with the partner team and come back to you as soon as I have an update.
Kind regards,