Read onlyI want to buy only one barcode from GS1
GS1 website has many extensions for countries such as GS1 US, GS1 EG, GS1 UK and many more ....
I want to list only one product on Amazon UK and GS1 does not provide the service of buying only one barcode except through its website ( my. gs1us . org/ product / 1367/ gs1-us- gtin ) which is exclusive to GS1 US as shown in the first image
As for the GS1 UK website ( gs1uk. org/ about-us /membership /get -a-barcode#price ) they only offer buying 10 barcodes and at the moment I want to buy only one barcode, so if I buy only one barcode from GS1 US ( my. gs1us . org/ product / 1367/ gs1-us- gtin ) will it be accepted when submitted to Amazon and I am creating a new listing for a new product that will be sold in the United Kingdom or will it be rejected. Because choosing the barcode will require me to print a lot of it on the products, and I am afraid that I will buy it from ( GS1 US ) and sell it in ( GS1 UK ) and it will be rejected after I print thousands of it.
Or are the codes not different in terms of the place of purchase but the difference is in pricing and support for the GS1 website
Please help I have been confused for two weeks in answering this question
I suppose the clue is in what GTIN stands for. Global Trade Item Number.
According to a PDf on the GS1 UK website- you can use UPC-A code in the UK and elsewhere with no problem. I can say we list other products in the UK that use UPC-A codes - however none of these are from our own GS1 account.