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Share Allotment document

Hi Everyone, We recently had a request from Amazon to upload our UK company ‘‘Share Allotment’’ document, that shows the full names of each beneficial owner with more than 25% of the shares and the percentage of their shares (picture attached).

We have now sent twice ‘‘The company information document’’ obtained from companies house, which had a Share Capital section showing exactly what Amazon is asking for (full details of shareholders and their share holding). But we keep receiving a reply that this document was not accepted and insisting we send this ‘‘Shared Allotment’’ document.

Our company shares have NEVER been allotted or returned, since the establishment of the company in 2016, which has always had two directors with two shareholders 50/50. How can we have a certificate of Shared Allotment when this action has never happened?

We asked our accountant to see if this shared allotment document can be provided, he sent exactly the same document we uploaded ‘‘Company Information’’ with exactly what they are asking for in the email (full details of shareholders and their share holding). He also commented that it doesn’t make sense that Amazon won’t accept the ‘‘Company Information’’ extracted from Companies House, as this show’s exactly what they are asking for.

For the last few days, we have been trying to contact an account manager based in the UK so we can solve this, but we are always directed to customer services in Asia who have no control over the situation.

  • We sent also an Annual Return along with the Annual Report date of 12 February 2021, this too was rejected.

  • We sent the most recent Confirmation statement date of 24/09/2020 - as the Next statement to be filed by 22 September 2021, this too was rejected.

Are we’re dealing here with a ‘‘Robot’’ or a ‘‘Human’’ that his not understanding what his asking for?? @_@

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what documents did you send that were accepted by Amazon?

Thank you

31 replies
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Share Allotment document

Hi Everyone, We recently had a request from Amazon to upload our UK company ‘‘Share Allotment’’ document, that shows the full names of each beneficial owner with more than 25% of the shares and the percentage of their shares (picture attached).

We have now sent twice ‘‘The company information document’’ obtained from companies house, which had a Share Capital section showing exactly what Amazon is asking for (full details of shareholders and their share holding). But we keep receiving a reply that this document was not accepted and insisting we send this ‘‘Shared Allotment’’ document.

Our company shares have NEVER been allotted or returned, since the establishment of the company in 2016, which has always had two directors with two shareholders 50/50. How can we have a certificate of Shared Allotment when this action has never happened?

We asked our accountant to see if this shared allotment document can be provided, he sent exactly the same document we uploaded ‘‘Company Information’’ with exactly what they are asking for in the email (full details of shareholders and their share holding). He also commented that it doesn’t make sense that Amazon won’t accept the ‘‘Company Information’’ extracted from Companies House, as this show’s exactly what they are asking for.

For the last few days, we have been trying to contact an account manager based in the UK so we can solve this, but we are always directed to customer services in Asia who have no control over the situation.

  • We sent also an Annual Return along with the Annual Report date of 12 February 2021, this too was rejected.

  • We sent the most recent Confirmation statement date of 24/09/2020 - as the Next statement to be filed by 22 September 2021, this too was rejected.

Are we’re dealing here with a ‘‘Robot’’ or a ‘‘Human’’ that his not understanding what his asking for?? @_@

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what documents did you send that were accepted by Amazon?

Thank you

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Ian - your specialty i believe

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Obviously then, you do not have a proper understanding of how a limited company works?

Your shares have always been allotted and you made a return on them when you sent in your first Confirmation Statement to Companies House.

When your company was formed, a number of documents were created:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Share Allotment Certificate

You will therefore have a share allotment certificate which would look something on the lines of this:

This certificate will have needed to have been registered with Companies House at incorporation and, in our case, there is only one share issued, to me, so I am the 100% beneficial owner of the company. There is one certificate for each shareholder and each certificate shows the number of shares issues, the number allotted to each shareholder and the type of share (ordinary, preferential etc). That is your share allotment.

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Hello, i would like to know if you finally got the certificate?

Thank you

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You may have more luck getting the answer on the .CA seller forums, asking for people who successfully registered on to say how they got around the problem.

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get your accountant to submit a new confirmation statement ( usually once a year but can submit at any time) get them to add the shareholders to it and capital.

The problem is that the confirmation statement does not need any information on it if no changes each year unlike the old annual return but amazon want information in the last 180 days showing shareholders over 25% and the allotment of shares.

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@Amarche @SABI_Homes
I am also a Canadian company trying to get registered on Amazon UK.

Were you eventually successful in getting your Canadian documents accepted ?

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Share Allotment document

Hi Everyone, We recently had a request from Amazon to upload our UK company ‘‘Share Allotment’’ document, that shows the full names of each beneficial owner with more than 25% of the shares and the percentage of their shares (picture attached).

We have now sent twice ‘‘The company information document’’ obtained from companies house, which had a Share Capital section showing exactly what Amazon is asking for (full details of shareholders and their share holding). But we keep receiving a reply that this document was not accepted and insisting we send this ‘‘Shared Allotment’’ document.

Our company shares have NEVER been allotted or returned, since the establishment of the company in 2016, which has always had two directors with two shareholders 50/50. How can we have a certificate of Shared Allotment when this action has never happened?

We asked our accountant to see if this shared allotment document can be provided, he sent exactly the same document we uploaded ‘‘Company Information’’ with exactly what they are asking for in the email (full details of shareholders and their share holding). He also commented that it doesn’t make sense that Amazon won’t accept the ‘‘Company Information’’ extracted from Companies House, as this show’s exactly what they are asking for.

For the last few days, we have been trying to contact an account manager based in the UK so we can solve this, but we are always directed to customer services in Asia who have no control over the situation.

  • We sent also an Annual Return along with the Annual Report date of 12 February 2021, this too was rejected.

  • We sent the most recent Confirmation statement date of 24/09/2020 - as the Next statement to be filed by 22 September 2021, this too was rejected.

Are we’re dealing here with a ‘‘Robot’’ or a ‘‘Human’’ that his not understanding what his asking for?? @_@

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what documents did you send that were accepted by Amazon?

Thank you

31 replies
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Share Allotment document

Hi Everyone, We recently had a request from Amazon to upload our UK company ‘‘Share Allotment’’ document, that shows the full names of each beneficial owner with more than 25% of the shares and the percentage of their shares (picture attached).

We have now sent twice ‘‘The company information document’’ obtained from companies house, which had a Share Capital section showing exactly what Amazon is asking for (full details of shareholders and their share holding). But we keep receiving a reply that this document was not accepted and insisting we send this ‘‘Shared Allotment’’ document.

Our company shares have NEVER been allotted or returned, since the establishment of the company in 2016, which has always had two directors with two shareholders 50/50. How can we have a certificate of Shared Allotment when this action has never happened?

We asked our accountant to see if this shared allotment document can be provided, he sent exactly the same document we uploaded ‘‘Company Information’’ with exactly what they are asking for in the email (full details of shareholders and their share holding). He also commented that it doesn’t make sense that Amazon won’t accept the ‘‘Company Information’’ extracted from Companies House, as this show’s exactly what they are asking for.

For the last few days, we have been trying to contact an account manager based in the UK so we can solve this, but we are always directed to customer services in Asia who have no control over the situation.

  • We sent also an Annual Return along with the Annual Report date of 12 February 2021, this too was rejected.

  • We sent the most recent Confirmation statement date of 24/09/2020 - as the Next statement to be filed by 22 September 2021, this too was rejected.

Are we’re dealing here with a ‘‘Robot’’ or a ‘‘Human’’ that his not understanding what his asking for?? @_@

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what documents did you send that were accepted by Amazon?

Thank you

31 replies
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Share Allotment document

by Seller_GOdoZ4cojMaTj

Hi Everyone, We recently had a request from Amazon to upload our UK company ‘‘Share Allotment’’ document, that shows the full names of each beneficial owner with more than 25% of the shares and the percentage of their shares (picture attached).

We have now sent twice ‘‘The company information document’’ obtained from companies house, which had a Share Capital section showing exactly what Amazon is asking for (full details of shareholders and their share holding). But we keep receiving a reply that this document was not accepted and insisting we send this ‘‘Shared Allotment’’ document.

Our company shares have NEVER been allotted or returned, since the establishment of the company in 2016, which has always had two directors with two shareholders 50/50. How can we have a certificate of Shared Allotment when this action has never happened?

We asked our accountant to see if this shared allotment document can be provided, he sent exactly the same document we uploaded ‘‘Company Information’’ with exactly what they are asking for in the email (full details of shareholders and their share holding). He also commented that it doesn’t make sense that Amazon won’t accept the ‘‘Company Information’’ extracted from Companies House, as this show’s exactly what they are asking for.

For the last few days, we have been trying to contact an account manager based in the UK so we can solve this, but we are always directed to customer services in Asia who have no control over the situation.

  • We sent also an Annual Return along with the Annual Report date of 12 February 2021, this too was rejected.

  • We sent the most recent Confirmation statement date of 24/09/2020 - as the Next statement to be filed by 22 September 2021, this too was rejected.

Are we’re dealing here with a ‘‘Robot’’ or a ‘‘Human’’ that his not understanding what his asking for?? @_@

Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what documents did you send that were accepted by Amazon?

Thank you

31 replies
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Ian - your specialty i believe

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Obviously then, you do not have a proper understanding of how a limited company works?

Your shares have always been allotted and you made a return on them when you sent in your first Confirmation Statement to Companies House.

When your company was formed, a number of documents were created:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Share Allotment Certificate

You will therefore have a share allotment certificate which would look something on the lines of this:

This certificate will have needed to have been registered with Companies House at incorporation and, in our case, there is only one share issued, to me, so I am the 100% beneficial owner of the company. There is one certificate for each shareholder and each certificate shows the number of shares issues, the number allotted to each shareholder and the type of share (ordinary, preferential etc). That is your share allotment.

user profile

Hello, i would like to know if you finally got the certificate?

Thank you

user profile

You may have more luck getting the answer on the .CA seller forums, asking for people who successfully registered on to say how they got around the problem.

user profile


get your accountant to submit a new confirmation statement ( usually once a year but can submit at any time) get them to add the shareholders to it and capital.

The problem is that the confirmation statement does not need any information on it if no changes each year unlike the old annual return but amazon want information in the last 180 days showing shareholders over 25% and the allotment of shares.

user profile

@Amarche @SABI_Homes
I am also a Canadian company trying to get registered on Amazon UK.

Were you eventually successful in getting your Canadian documents accepted ?

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Ian - your specialty i believe

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Ian - your specialty i believe

user profile

Obviously then, you do not have a proper understanding of how a limited company works?

Your shares have always been allotted and you made a return on them when you sent in your first Confirmation Statement to Companies House.

When your company was formed, a number of documents were created:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Share Allotment Certificate

You will therefore have a share allotment certificate which would look something on the lines of this:

This certificate will have needed to have been registered with Companies House at incorporation and, in our case, there is only one share issued, to me, so I am the 100% beneficial owner of the company. There is one certificate for each shareholder and each certificate shows the number of shares issues, the number allotted to each shareholder and the type of share (ordinary, preferential etc). That is your share allotment.

user profile

Obviously then, you do not have a proper understanding of how a limited company works?

Your shares have always been allotted and you made a return on them when you sent in your first Confirmation Statement to Companies House.

When your company was formed, a number of documents were created:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Share Allotment Certificate

You will therefore have a share allotment certificate which would look something on the lines of this:

This certificate will have needed to have been registered with Companies House at incorporation and, in our case, there is only one share issued, to me, so I am the 100% beneficial owner of the company. There is one certificate for each shareholder and each certificate shows the number of shares issues, the number allotted to each shareholder and the type of share (ordinary, preferential etc). That is your share allotment.

user profile

Hello, i would like to know if you finally got the certificate?

Thank you

user profile

Hello, i would like to know if you finally got the certificate?

Thank you

user profile

You may have more luck getting the answer on the .CA seller forums, asking for people who successfully registered on to say how they got around the problem.

user profile

You may have more luck getting the answer on the .CA seller forums, asking for people who successfully registered on to say how they got around the problem.

user profile


get your accountant to submit a new confirmation statement ( usually once a year but can submit at any time) get them to add the shareholders to it and capital.

The problem is that the confirmation statement does not need any information on it if no changes each year unlike the old annual return but amazon want information in the last 180 days showing shareholders over 25% and the allotment of shares.

user profile


get your accountant to submit a new confirmation statement ( usually once a year but can submit at any time) get them to add the shareholders to it and capital.

The problem is that the confirmation statement does not need any information on it if no changes each year unlike the old annual return but amazon want information in the last 180 days showing shareholders over 25% and the allotment of shares.

user profile

@Amarche @SABI_Homes
I am also a Canadian company trying to get registered on Amazon UK.

Were you eventually successful in getting your Canadian documents accepted ?

user profile

@Amarche @SABI_Homes
I am also a Canadian company trying to get registered on Amazon UK.

Were you eventually successful in getting your Canadian documents accepted ?

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