Read onlyQuick couple questions to all the successful amazon FBA sellers. Roughy what's the best/comfortable amount of funds one should have to start up in Amazon FBA? What's the best advice you can give me as a new seller? What should I be aware of when selling on Amazon FBA ? And lastly, what was that one lesson, advice and/or idea that transformed your Amazon FBA account into a comfortable or multiple figure business. I'll be reading all your replies. Thank you for your feedback!
Type FBA into the forum search box and read......spend at least 2 or 3 hours reading posts and responses so you know what you are getting into.
Also, make sure to review "sourcing guidelines" and "invoice requirements" in help....
"Roughly what's the best/comfortable amount of funds one should have to start up in Amazon FBA?"
If you don't know the answer to this question, you aren't ready yet. Keep studying, absorb information until you reach the point that you feel like you know nothing at all. Then you are ready to get serious about finding a niche you can succeed in. There are a 1000 different ways to fail, and no one here can tell you how to succeed, only you can find this for yourself.
Thanks for posting this discussion @Seller_SFFWqVHWF1Zmq- while there might not be a 'one-size-fits-all' answer to your question on start up funds, I would recommend going through this recent post asking FBA Vets to share their best lessons if you haven't already taken a read through!
Hope it helps!