Read onlyToday noticed my VTR had dropped from 100% to 79.85% – 29 items were flagged in the report downloaded.
On closer inspection all the the items flagged had postage purchased through Amazon – Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class. It was my understanding postage purchased through Amazon would not cause VTR issues.
Anybody any thoughts, is this a glitch or do I need to take action. If so what?
I have just spoken to account health who say it is a glitch that they are working on now & we don't need to do anything. I don't think my nerves can stand it!
Please check the forum before starting a new thread - there are already at least 9 threads about this issue !!, some with several replies. It is likely an Amazon glitch, so hopefully will be resolved. I have tagged in some forum mods on one of the threads to see if they can look into it. I don't think there is any action any of us can do.
Hello @Seller_tFx5glRVZd6uz and @Seller_g1iS3CyD4zQ2y
Thank you for raising this issue. We have collected all your concerns and forwarded them to our partner team for review.
We will provide updates as soon as we receive new information.
To ensure effective tracking, please add any additional comments to this megathread: VTR Issue Again 14th January
Kind regards,