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Delivery showing as 2 day delivery for Prime rather than NDD


I am wondering if any sellers could provide some advice for me,

Basically in the past 2-3 months our SFP has been mainly showing as 2 day delivery rather than 1 day delivery.

We have had spells where it has gone back to 1 day/NDD but within a few weeks it is back showing as 2 day delivery on all our SFP products.

I have had numerous calls and chats with Amazon where I have been told everything from On time shipment rate/Delivery, to unticking certain couriers on our prime delivery templates to that it is an issue purely with your chosen carriers,

Has anyone had anything similar or know what to do to make sure the products show and stay as 1 day delivery?

for context our on time shipment rate is 100% and and on time delivery does hover between 95% - 98% (I understand it has to be 97% but we have had it switch to 2 day while we have been over 97%)


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Delivery showing as 2 day delivery for Prime rather than NDD


I am wondering if any sellers could provide some advice for me,

Basically in the past 2-3 months our SFP has been mainly showing as 2 day delivery rather than 1 day delivery.

We have had spells where it has gone back to 1 day/NDD but within a few weeks it is back showing as 2 day delivery on all our SFP products.

I have had numerous calls and chats with Amazon where I have been told everything from On time shipment rate/Delivery, to unticking certain couriers on our prime delivery templates to that it is an issue purely with your chosen carriers,

Has anyone had anything similar or know what to do to make sure the products show and stay as 1 day delivery?

for context our on time shipment rate is 100% and and on time delivery does hover between 95% - 98% (I understand it has to be 97% but we have had it switch to 2 day while we have been over 97%)


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Delivery showing as 2 day delivery for Prime rather than NDD


I am wondering if any sellers could provide some advice for me,

Basically in the past 2-3 months our SFP has been mainly showing as 2 day delivery rather than 1 day delivery.

We have had spells where it has gone back to 1 day/NDD but within a few weeks it is back showing as 2 day delivery on all our SFP products.

I have had numerous calls and chats with Amazon where I have been told everything from On time shipment rate/Delivery, to unticking certain couriers on our prime delivery templates to that it is an issue purely with your chosen carriers,

Has anyone had anything similar or know what to do to make sure the products show and stay as 1 day delivery?

for context our on time shipment rate is 100% and and on time delivery does hover between 95% - 98% (I understand it has to be 97% but we have had it switch to 2 day while we have been over 97%)


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Delivery showing as 2 day delivery for Prime rather than NDD


I am wondering if any sellers could provide some advice for me,

Basically in the past 2-3 months our SFP has been mainly showing as 2 day delivery rather than 1 day delivery.

We have had spells where it has gone back to 1 day/NDD but within a few weeks it is back showing as 2 day delivery on all our SFP products.

I have had numerous calls and chats with Amazon where I have been told everything from On time shipment rate/Delivery, to unticking certain couriers on our prime delivery templates to that it is an issue purely with your chosen carriers,

Has anyone had anything similar or know what to do to make sure the products show and stay as 1 day delivery?

for context our on time shipment rate is 100% and and on time delivery does hover between 95% - 98% (I understand it has to be 97% but we have had it switch to 2 day while we have been over 97%)


Tags:Account Health
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Delivery showing as 2 day delivery for Prime rather than NDD

by Seller_LV7u1trC9Mscd


I am wondering if any sellers could provide some advice for me,

Basically in the past 2-3 months our SFP has been mainly showing as 2 day delivery rather than 1 day delivery.

We have had spells where it has gone back to 1 day/NDD but within a few weeks it is back showing as 2 day delivery on all our SFP products.

I have had numerous calls and chats with Amazon where I have been told everything from On time shipment rate/Delivery, to unticking certain couriers on our prime delivery templates to that it is an issue purely with your chosen carriers,

Has anyone had anything similar or know what to do to make sure the products show and stay as 1 day delivery?

for context our on time shipment rate is 100% and and on time delivery does hover between 95% - 98% (I understand it has to be 97% but we have had it switch to 2 day while we have been over 97%)


Tags:Account Health
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