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Marketplace charges

by Seller_5uBYL2LFkHdQM

Hi Everyone

We used to sell across several Amazon marketplaces in Europe. For a few reasons we decided we didn't want to sell in the European marketplaces anymore, only in the UK. I was told at the time you can't 'withdraw' from these marketplaces, you just have to put it on a holiday setting, so nothing is available to be purchased. (I don't know if that is actually the case, but that's what we were told at the time).

Since then, and it's quite a considerable time ago, we have received seemingly random charges or negative balances for these marketplaces every month. This month, it shows under the total balance breakdown widget as -£20.00 in Germany, -16p in Spain and -6p in France. All other marketplaces, eg. Italy, Netherlands, etc show as zero. Does anyone know why or what these are for? Have I left something switched on that should have been switched off? Or what?

I have asked Seller Support several times, but each response is just general info, not answering what I'm asking.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Tags: International expansion, Reporting
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In reply to: Seller_5uBYL2LFkHdQM’s post

Hey there @Seller_5uBYL2LFkHdQM,

Thanks for the thread, it's been awhile however were you able to determine what those costs were?

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