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Endless 8572 error

My ltd company owns my trademark.

My ltd company owns 100 GS1 barcodes.

I create a barcode and make sure to put my trademarked brand, under the "brand" field, and have attempted with 3 different GTIN-13 barcodes so far, and always receive the error :

"8572: You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. If you believe that you have reached this message in error, please contact Selling Partner Support with the following information:

Product Name

Manufacturer name

Brand name

UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN along with GS1 certificate

Non-brand owners: A copy of a letter/email from the manufacturer or brand stating that the UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN that you are using to list this product is valid

Brand owner: Valid and current (not expired) GS1 certificate for the GTIN range(s) used by your listings"

I supplied all needed information to support as requested, and received this response :

"Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand that your are facing an issue with getting 8572 error while product listing.

We have investigated and found that the Brand and Manufacturer are not enrolled in GTIN Authority.

If a Brand/Manufacturer is not enrolled, then it shouldn't be blocked by GTIN error.

Kindly relist the product with the exact brand name (case sensitive). If your listing is still blocked with the 8572 error, provide us with the latest Submission ID so that we can further investigate the issue.

If you are manually listing the products and does not have a Submission ID, please provide a valid 8572 error screenshot with the Brand Name and GTIN clearly visible."

I have confirmed that my brand is indeed enrolled with GTIN, as I sent screenshots of my account, showing this.

Our limited company owns the barcodes, and our brand, and trademark. What part of the back end behind the scenes is not working here?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Tags:Brand Registry
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Not an expert in this area, but just checking you're also putting your brand name is in the Product Title - if not, then you can face this error.

Hopefully you find a solution! :)

user profile

Just checking the barcodes are linked to the official GS1 account and assume the limited company has a starter membership?

In my experiemce, you wouldn't normally get an issue with a barcode as long as the string, format is correct and does not conflict with another barcode.

Are you sure these barcodes have not been used before to create another product or even the same product?

It may also be possible that you have created a draft or a range of products and these have been partially entered into the catalogue system.

Are you creating the products using the form or a file upload? If you use the form, quite often these will give you clues as you go through the product creration to what the EAN is conflicting with.

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did you apply for a 'GTIN exemption' if you do this you don't even need the barcodes you can list as much as you want just using your brand name to identify your products on Amazon. hope you get it sorted.

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The history of amazons platform, when a SKU being uploaded has an issue it will keep having the same issue regardless if you fix the issue

If they are new products and you can add X or similar to the one being rejected to create a new SKU the products usually then can be uploaded

user profile

Believe me its not you but amazon's backend system causing all these errors.

most likely the approval has not been updated properly in amazon and your seller account and seller support are replying from the front end only without having access of backend system.

Irony is seller support has no idea or authority on how to solve this and will keep closing cases with copy pasted answer.

We cant do much but leave feedback after case gets closed and i dont think that feedback has slightest importance.

Errors appears and reappear without any relavance and I personally have multiple cases opened and nearly 20% of my FBA inventory in search suppressed status without any fault.

having said, please keep trying and conatcting seller support and ask them to escalate issue or better escalate the issue from your end.


user profile

Happened to me, just keep opening a case until someone human looks at it!

Register the brand on Amazon Brand registry

Send the trademark letter for your ltd company showing it owns the brand name

Send the GS1 Certificate with Ltd company name on it

Confirm the barcode shown in the GS1, note it is the first 9 numbers not the full barcode of an item

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Hey there @Seller_4bRdR26qmjOnn,

Any updates on this? Were you able to get this sorted?

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Endless 8572 error

My ltd company owns my trademark.

My ltd company owns 100 GS1 barcodes.

I create a barcode and make sure to put my trademarked brand, under the "brand" field, and have attempted with 3 different GTIN-13 barcodes so far, and always receive the error :

"8572: You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. If you believe that you have reached this message in error, please contact Selling Partner Support with the following information:

Product Name

Manufacturer name

Brand name

UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN along with GS1 certificate

Non-brand owners: A copy of a letter/email from the manufacturer or brand stating that the UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN that you are using to list this product is valid

Brand owner: Valid and current (not expired) GS1 certificate for the GTIN range(s) used by your listings"

I supplied all needed information to support as requested, and received this response :

"Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand that your are facing an issue with getting 8572 error while product listing.

We have investigated and found that the Brand and Manufacturer are not enrolled in GTIN Authority.

If a Brand/Manufacturer is not enrolled, then it shouldn't be blocked by GTIN error.

Kindly relist the product with the exact brand name (case sensitive). If your listing is still blocked with the 8572 error, provide us with the latest Submission ID so that we can further investigate the issue.

If you are manually listing the products and does not have a Submission ID, please provide a valid 8572 error screenshot with the Brand Name and GTIN clearly visible."

I have confirmed that my brand is indeed enrolled with GTIN, as I sent screenshots of my account, showing this.

Our limited company owns the barcodes, and our brand, and trademark. What part of the back end behind the scenes is not working here?

Any advice would be appreciated.

10 replies
Tags:Brand Registry
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Endless 8572 error

by Seller_4bRdR26qmjOnn

My ltd company owns my trademark.

My ltd company owns 100 GS1 barcodes.

I create a barcode and make sure to put my trademarked brand, under the "brand" field, and have attempted with 3 different GTIN-13 barcodes so far, and always receive the error :

"8572: You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. If you believe that you have reached this message in error, please contact Selling Partner Support with the following information:

Product Name

Manufacturer name

Brand name

UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN along with GS1 certificate

Non-brand owners: A copy of a letter/email from the manufacturer or brand stating that the UPC, EAN, ISBN or JAN that you are using to list this product is valid

Brand owner: Valid and current (not expired) GS1 certificate for the GTIN range(s) used by your listings"

I supplied all needed information to support as requested, and received this response :

"Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We understand that your are facing an issue with getting 8572 error while product listing.

We have investigated and found that the Brand and Manufacturer are not enrolled in GTIN Authority.

If a Brand/Manufacturer is not enrolled, then it shouldn't be blocked by GTIN error.

Kindly relist the product with the exact brand name (case sensitive). If your listing is still blocked with the 8572 error, provide us with the latest Submission ID so that we can further investigate the issue.

If you are manually listing the products and does not have a Submission ID, please provide a valid 8572 error screenshot with the Brand Name and GTIN clearly visible."

I have confirmed that my brand is indeed enrolled with GTIN, as I sent screenshots of my account, showing this.

Our limited company owns the barcodes, and our brand, and trademark. What part of the back end behind the scenes is not working here?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Tags:Brand Registry
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Not an expert in this area, but just checking you're also putting your brand name is in the Product Title - if not, then you can face this error.

Hopefully you find a solution! :)

user profile

Just checking the barcodes are linked to the official GS1 account and assume the limited company has a starter membership?

In my experiemce, you wouldn't normally get an issue with a barcode as long as the string, format is correct and does not conflict with another barcode.

Are you sure these barcodes have not been used before to create another product or even the same product?

It may also be possible that you have created a draft or a range of products and these have been partially entered into the catalogue system.

Are you creating the products using the form or a file upload? If you use the form, quite often these will give you clues as you go through the product creration to what the EAN is conflicting with.

user profile

did you apply for a 'GTIN exemption' if you do this you don't even need the barcodes you can list as much as you want just using your brand name to identify your products on Amazon. hope you get it sorted.

user profile

The history of amazons platform, when a SKU being uploaded has an issue it will keep having the same issue regardless if you fix the issue

If they are new products and you can add X or similar to the one being rejected to create a new SKU the products usually then can be uploaded

user profile

Believe me its not you but amazon's backend system causing all these errors.

most likely the approval has not been updated properly in amazon and your seller account and seller support are replying from the front end only without having access of backend system.

Irony is seller support has no idea or authority on how to solve this and will keep closing cases with copy pasted answer.

We cant do much but leave feedback after case gets closed and i dont think that feedback has slightest importance.

Errors appears and reappear without any relavance and I personally have multiple cases opened and nearly 20% of my FBA inventory in search suppressed status without any fault.

having said, please keep trying and conatcting seller support and ask them to escalate issue or better escalate the issue from your end.


user profile

Happened to me, just keep opening a case until someone human looks at it!

Register the brand on Amazon Brand registry

Send the trademark letter for your ltd company showing it owns the brand name

Send the GS1 Certificate with Ltd company name on it

Confirm the barcode shown in the GS1, note it is the first 9 numbers not the full barcode of an item

user profile

Hey there @Seller_4bRdR26qmjOnn,

Any updates on this? Were you able to get this sorted?

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Not an expert in this area, but just checking you're also putting your brand name is in the Product Title - if not, then you can face this error.

Hopefully you find a solution! :)

user profile

Not an expert in this area, but just checking you're also putting your brand name is in the Product Title - if not, then you can face this error.

Hopefully you find a solution! :)

user profile

Just checking the barcodes are linked to the official GS1 account and assume the limited company has a starter membership?

In my experiemce, you wouldn't normally get an issue with a barcode as long as the string, format is correct and does not conflict with another barcode.

Are you sure these barcodes have not been used before to create another product or even the same product?

It may also be possible that you have created a draft or a range of products and these have been partially entered into the catalogue system.

Are you creating the products using the form or a file upload? If you use the form, quite often these will give you clues as you go through the product creration to what the EAN is conflicting with.

user profile

Just checking the barcodes are linked to the official GS1 account and assume the limited company has a starter membership?

In my experiemce, you wouldn't normally get an issue with a barcode as long as the string, format is correct and does not conflict with another barcode.

Are you sure these barcodes have not been used before to create another product or even the same product?

It may also be possible that you have created a draft or a range of products and these have been partially entered into the catalogue system.

Are you creating the products using the form or a file upload? If you use the form, quite often these will give you clues as you go through the product creration to what the EAN is conflicting with.

user profile

did you apply for a 'GTIN exemption' if you do this you don't even need the barcodes you can list as much as you want just using your brand name to identify your products on Amazon. hope you get it sorted.

user profile

did you apply for a 'GTIN exemption' if you do this you don't even need the barcodes you can list as much as you want just using your brand name to identify your products on Amazon. hope you get it sorted.

user profile

The history of amazons platform, when a SKU being uploaded has an issue it will keep having the same issue regardless if you fix the issue

If they are new products and you can add X or similar to the one being rejected to create a new SKU the products usually then can be uploaded

user profile

The history of amazons platform, when a SKU being uploaded has an issue it will keep having the same issue regardless if you fix the issue

If they are new products and you can add X or similar to the one being rejected to create a new SKU the products usually then can be uploaded

user profile

Believe me its not you but amazon's backend system causing all these errors.

most likely the approval has not been updated properly in amazon and your seller account and seller support are replying from the front end only without having access of backend system.

Irony is seller support has no idea or authority on how to solve this and will keep closing cases with copy pasted answer.

We cant do much but leave feedback after case gets closed and i dont think that feedback has slightest importance.

Errors appears and reappear without any relavance and I personally have multiple cases opened and nearly 20% of my FBA inventory in search suppressed status without any fault.

having said, please keep trying and conatcting seller support and ask them to escalate issue or better escalate the issue from your end.


user profile

Believe me its not you but amazon's backend system causing all these errors.

most likely the approval has not been updated properly in amazon and your seller account and seller support are replying from the front end only without having access of backend system.

Irony is seller support has no idea or authority on how to solve this and will keep closing cases with copy pasted answer.

We cant do much but leave feedback after case gets closed and i dont think that feedback has slightest importance.

Errors appears and reappear without any relavance and I personally have multiple cases opened and nearly 20% of my FBA inventory in search suppressed status without any fault.

having said, please keep trying and conatcting seller support and ask them to escalate issue or better escalate the issue from your end.


user profile

Happened to me, just keep opening a case until someone human looks at it!

Register the brand on Amazon Brand registry

Send the trademark letter for your ltd company showing it owns the brand name

Send the GS1 Certificate with Ltd company name on it

Confirm the barcode shown in the GS1, note it is the first 9 numbers not the full barcode of an item

user profile

Happened to me, just keep opening a case until someone human looks at it!

Register the brand on Amazon Brand registry

Send the trademark letter for your ltd company showing it owns the brand name

Send the GS1 Certificate with Ltd company name on it

Confirm the barcode shown in the GS1, note it is the first 9 numbers not the full barcode of an item

user profile

Hey there @Seller_4bRdR26qmjOnn,

Any updates on this? Were you able to get this sorted?

user profile

Hey there @Seller_4bRdR26qmjOnn,

Any updates on this? Were you able to get this sorted?

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