Read onlyMy premium shipping has been removed but I have reasons to appeal this removal.
Amazon help says I can send a plan of action through to appeal this. I have done this to Seller Support and they told me to email which I have done but had no reply.
Can anyone tell me what the correct path is for submitting a plan of action to appeal Premium Shipping removal?
As you have had previous emails, I would reply to one of those, but, mention it is about the current issue.
Copy what you wrote to the other email l address. (is the correct email address btw)
You may search your junk emails? - Subject: Premium delivery options eligibility change
I agree Amazon 'should' not count against a Seller if the Seller proves they sent on time, and used the correct, Amazon approved courier service, BUT, we also know Amazon won't do anything about it.
Which considering it means less profit for them, and Buyers cannot get items as fast, seems aganst the Buyer Centric policy.
I can see two pages. One advises that email address above and one states you should respond to the Performance Notification in your Account Health dashboard.
Its been a while since we did one I have to say, so I imagine the process has changed somewhat - from memory, back then we just sent it to seller support.
You have to reply to the email they sent to you, and only from the registered email address.
(Amazon only expect you to have 1 email address of course).
I was speaking to another Seller that was on 97.1% and got the same violation, where 97% should have been ok. He got nowhere with Amazon, had to just wait until they decided ok again.
I altered our Premium to only offer 2-day, but send everything 1-day to try and avoid this situation. Although, then sometimes Buyers complain it arrived on Friday and not Saturday when ordering on a Thursday, and they were expecting it to take 2 days.
Amazon should (but won't) alter to allow proof sent on time and on the correct service, as being ok, even if the courier had a delay for some reason in a delivery.
Hello @Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn,
I see you get great support from other Sellers :)
I am happy that you managed to solve it. Could you tell me the specific time when you sent this email for the first time? I would like to make sure that the appeal path is working fine.
@Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP ,@Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh and @Seller_RlZVPg3d6ZUGP Thank you for your help !