Read onlyMost of us, myself included, are usually the loudest when we have been hurt in some way.
So, I wanted to make sure that the humans working at Amazon knew that we appreciated the aide and the effort that they gave.
'Apply to sell branded used books' was not my post, but I did have a considerable amount of correspondence with @Dougal_Amazon in the post.
The issue was the requirement of an invoice during the approval process to sell some used books. The problem was that, generally speaking, there are no invoices provided during the purchasing of used books.
I do not know if the issue has been completely resolved, but I do know that the last 10 books (approx.) that I had to request approval for were all approved on the spot and there was no request for an invoice.
I have no insight into what moves the boulders behind the scenes at Amazon, but I do know that people, both seen and unseen, attempted to help.
To them, I say Thank You.
You and the work that you do are both appreciated.
**please comment below with your recent experience with this issue (invoice requirement), as I am curious if my experience is what everyone else is experiencing or not
No, the REAL issue comes when your account is suspended on a claim of "inauthentic" and your "invoices" that got accepted when you listed, wont be to proof authenticity....
well don't you have a "professional" mouth
Amazon invited me to sell used books with no invoices. Nobody here thinks that people selling used books and LPs have any invoices.
The demand for them is more than frustrating. I have over 1000 books and records that require invoices in the last three months. They claim it is about quality assurance all the while sellers grab buy box with 65% feedback. Making it more annoying is the theme of virtually of their feedback is 'item not as advertised'
The last two used books I tried to get approval for were wanting invoices and now I'm wondering about Marvel and Universal books? We sell used books and Marvel and Universal movies. Are these the Marvel and Universal products they're talking about removing on March 13th or are these companies something else. I also sell used CDs, VHS, and DVD music and movies, are they involved?
I'll honestly never understand why sellers choose to continue selling on Amazon. It amazes me, the way you guys are treated is terrible
Thanks for your feedback @Seller_pP1WLqRuXala5,
We are happy to help you where we can and escalate your concerns and feedback when we aren't able to solve the issue for you. Just as a note, please refrain from blue language on the forums, even with asterisks. In general we want language to remain respectful and while sellers may have disagreements we request you do not use that language here. Thank you for your understanding.
Good for you-but our experience has been different.
Invoices required on yesterday's request for approval-on a children's book-when we've been approved for years on the publisher's adult reading-level titles!! Just setting them aside, going to list on other platforms.