Read only亚马逊平台你好,作为一个全球最大的电商平台,由于你们平台的过失造成了卖家的损失,一个移除订单超过5个月马上就6个月了(2023年11月7日-2024年04月30日)。我是不是应该申请赔偿。
Hi @Seller_3LBuwW2rJus8c,
I appreciate you reaching out about this! I have responded over in your other thread about this situation right here. When you have a moment, please take a look at that response.
Please note that it is against Community Guidelines to post multiple threads about the same topic/issue. Since this is a duplicate post, I will be closing this thread.
I will see you over in your other thread! Thank you for your understanding.