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Help needed regarding Amazon request for Toy Safety information

by Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab

Hello all
Can anyone offer advice? I received the below email from Amazon this afternoon concerning one ASIN. The product in question actually shouldn’t be listed under Toys and Games category - it is a set of children’s activity books, more akin to Stationary I should think. Being books; the item doesn’t have a CE mark, nor can I get a EC Declaration of Conformity as requested by Amazon due to the fact it isn’t a toy.

Can anyone offer advise on this at all how I should respond?



We are contacting you as part of our screening program to ensure Toys products on Amazon website meet specified certification standards.
As a result, you must provide the required safety documentation no later than 27th September 2019.

In order to continue to sell below ASINs:
on Amazon, please see the following Help Page for information on safety document requirements and how to submit them:

By applying to sell these products, you certify that all the information you submit is true.
Thank you for doing business with Amazon!

Amazon Services Europe

Note for FBA Sellers: If you have Toys ASINs, inventory in our fulfilment centers that has not been approved by 27th September 2019 request a removal within 30 days. Instructions for creating a removal order can be found at:
Standard FBA Return Fees or FBA Disposal Fees will apply.

Tags: ASIN, Fees, Listings, Product removal
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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

I received one of these as well listing 3 lego sets I sell. I sent a message to Amazon as I can’t believe these are genuine. Surely all Lego sets are compliant and if they want the information regarding this they should get it from Lego!

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

This is likely one of Amazon’s heavy-handed attempts at stopping cheap knock-offs. (read: Chinese imports)

Send Seller support a message asking them to update the product browse node, it must be in a sub-category of “toys and games” currently.

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

Same here, amazon is being a nightmare now.

As with the whole ‘’ Suspected Intellectual Property Violations’’ thing going on now, i suspect this is the same thing. Essenciallythe brand name has not been correctly set, which is why you see random lego sets picked, even though lego obviously meets requirments.

So, i dont know what to do really, another load of rubbish from amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

I have also been asked to provide info about a sheet of stickers, last week I was hit with 3 suspected property rights violation with same brand of stickers most infuriating amazon also sell same product range, from same manufacturer.

When wearing my I love Amazon hat I can understand why they do this but suspect it is more about Amazon Phishing for suppliers of products at our time and expense

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

@Kika would you be able to clarify; if I get the category changed on this ASIN, I will no longer have to provide the requested information?

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

Same email for me also today regarding a Cluedo game - used, like new. Haven’t got a clue what I’m supposed to do!
Gonna email them and see what’s what…

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

One of the items they have flagged I don’t have in stock anymore and haven’t had it listed as being in stock for some time, I wonder if they will penalise me for not being able to do this -
For each ASIN or model number you wish to list, provide genuine product images or its packaging showing:

  1. CE marking
  2. Name and address of EU base’s manufacturer or registered trademark

Given that they say - If you do not submit the required information, we will consider that failure as admission that the product was not compliant with the certification standards, so we recommend submitting the information even if you do not intend to continue selling the product.

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

It’s just a random compliance audit:

As part of regular due-diligence, Amazon has a screening programme to ensure Toys products on Amazon meet specified certification standards. If an ASIN is undergoing this screening, sellers are required to submit compliance documentation for the ASIN. You will receive an email if one of your ASINs is affected. In that case, if you wish to continue selling these products on Amazon, you must apply by submitting the following information to

Very annoying, especially where they say if you don’t submit the requried info, that is an admission of guilt. When in reality it’s just too difficult to provide that info as most were discontinued a long time ago. The worrying thing is what other action they might take, if you don’t submit what they are asking for.

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

I also got this message about an ASIN for a pack of Fluxx cards. Problem is it is an item I do not have listed…I dimly remember selling it about 5 or 6 years ago, but it is no longer possible to do a search for past sales unless you know the actual month you sold it. (At least I haven’t found a way to do that yet!)

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In reply to: Seller_gFvFmsOcCaLab’s post

I sent a message to Amazon asking if this email was genuine. They said it was spam and didn’t originate from them!
Not sure if this is correct or not but will use in evidence for why I haven’t uploaded all the stuff they require!

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