Read onlythey ignore messages , they want fake information to be generated, they hold money for years to use it some were else and they only have auto reply sets with ai so there is no customer service whats so ever
Ok I know your annoyed but this does need a little more information. I am not sure if you are wanting to ask a question or a rant? As Amazon do not "hold money for years" without a reason and as the tag In this post suggests deactivated, did Amazon say why you were deactivated and what have you done to try and resolve this issue so far?
What turnover do you think you need to be called a business in Amazon's eyes?
Did you sell items in a "New" condition?
It feels like Amazon has adopted a policy where ignoring the seller will cause the issue to go away.
We have been asking for information regarding incorrect compliance information which we were told we needed to obtain to be compliant selling in the EU which was in fact incorrect as we did not need to have IOSS and it was amazon that shipped an item from a location that we do not store in was the issue. MD's office ignoring me. Also with the new 360 (SAS) programme the information sent to work on is inaccurate and once we had spent time and money on the project to add browse nodes that amazon claims were missing we were told that we could not add that information as AI was doing it from now on. Waste of money paying to get inaccurate information and now that department is ignoring me and not responding to emails. Policies that we have been subjected to that we have not seen anywhere before and no follow ups to stocks that have been destroyed due to non amazon barcode (We use manufacturers barcode) but no disposal orders and £1000's worth of stock vanished without I add a trace or responsibility from amazon.
It's all very odd and might form part of a bigger plan for amazon? Who knows?
I do know this its a very odd stance to take and I personally feel unwanted.