Read onlyI am due to start having a reserve soon. I have no idea how much Amazon are going to keep back.
Is there anyone here who is mainly FBA and has a reserve? What kind of percentage turnover are they keeping back?
I assume it's DD+7 - so all funds are kept in reserve until the last estimated delivery date.
To be honest I dont know for sure but....judging by the posts I read here DD+7 is a pipe dream. I understand (from what I have read here) that the reserve is based on DD+7 + a calculation for returns/refunds + a calculation based on ANY late deliveries.
To my mind the worst part of this process is that there is zero explanation from Amazon as to how the reserve is calculated other than 'its an algorithm' no help when trying to plan a cash flow. Even less help when trying to dispute late dispersements.
Of course we must remember that whatever the actual 'disbursement available' date is it is still 5 days earlier than funds arrive in the bank account. So at best DD+7 will equate to 10/12 days
From a cash flow perspective I have to assume the worst case so I work on a 21 day cycle for funds to hit my account which for online retail sales is just crazy.
It would be very interesting to know if any sellers are actually seeing the DD+7 date
I am lucky my reserve kicks in in September.