Read onlyAmazons own help pages clearly state if a product is sold with warning and/or safety information it needs to be added to the listing.
Our products do not have warning and/or safety information but they are all listed as "At risk of removal" due to "warning and safety information missing".
It probably depends on what the items are that they say require the safety information. - what are they ?
Anyone from Amazon able to assist here? Seller Support are just repeating a scripted answer which has no relevance to my issue as always @Ezra_Amazon
Hi, I am also looking for help regarding GPSR warning and safety information. We sell socks and it is my understanding that these do not have warning or safety info. I have 3000+ ASINs flagged for this on each marketplace, and Seller Support are telling me that I need to upload information per ASIN. I am clicking "attest" but each day more and more are added to the list and I can't see if this is resolving the issue. Seller Support do not seem to understand what this is, even? Would be grateful if anyone could advise!
Just an update with this - today I downloaded a template for Amazon Germany with the intention of updating the Country of Origin as recently advised by Amazon. The upload template looked different to usual, so feeling hopeful, I scrolled along the columns and there is now a column for the GPSR safety attestation and responsible person email address! I have sent the upload and the number of violations on my account health page is slowly decreasing... a good sign! Hope this helps! A great relief for me anyway! I had already started updating each ASIN manually and it was taking SO long.