Bilder werden nicht angenommen
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Bilder werden nicht angenommen

Hallo zusammen,

ich bekomme mein Produkt nicht eingestellt weil die Bilder nicht zum zoomen sind. Ich bin echt über fragt. Mit anderen worten ich versteh nicht was die wollen. Wie bekomme ich meine Bilder so hin das man sie zoomen kann oder so das Amazon sie akzeptiert.

Danke im voraus

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"Hello everyone, I can't get my product listed because the images can't be zoomed. I'm really over asking. In other words, I don't understand what they want. How do I get my pictures so that they can be zoomed in or so that Amazon accepts them. Thanks in advance"

Firstly this is the UK forum so please post on English.

If you look in Seller help it will tell you the image requirements plus the minimum size to be zoomable. 1000 pixels on the longest side I think.

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Hello @Seller_gEzKtPUGHGKfH,

Thank you for posting on Forums.

This is Sarah from Amazon.

You have created a post in the UK seller forums where the official language is English.

I encourage you to create the topic in the German Seller Forums and increase the visibility of the topic among German sellers.

Simply select Germany from the dropdown list at the top right corner of the Seller Forums in order to change the marketplace.



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