Good Morning,
I am writing to request your urgent assistance regarding a critical issue with my Amazon Seller Account. This is an ongoing issue for over 2 weeks. The problem has severely impacted my ability to manage my business during this busy period.
Recently, I sought assistance to convert my business account back to a standard account. During a live chat, an Amazon associate assured me that this change would not affect my seller account. Based on this guidance, I proceeded as advised. However, I am now unable to log in to my seller account, receiving an error stating that the associated email does not exist.
This issue is pressing as I currently have pending orders requiring immediate updates. Below are details of one such order to confirm my recent account activity:
Business Name: Minako Online
Marketplace: United Kingdom
I have previously reached out regarding this matter under [CASE 10622583332] and provided prompt responses to your team on three separate occasions. Despite this, I recently received a message stating that the case will be closed due to a lack of response. I noticed that the email I have been responding to is notification only which makes it even more frustrating.
The most recent guidance provided to me was to create another seller account in order to access Seller Central. The lack of resolution and incorrect guidance provided has caused significant disruption to my operations. I kindly request immediate action to restore access to my seller account. Please let me know if additional details are required to expedite this process.
this is a forum for other sellers - Amazon will not see this as you haven’t tagged any mods in.
Never take advice from Seller Support - not a clue - but you really shouldn’t have opened another account if your first account was deactivated.
" I sought assistance to convert my business account back to a standard account."
Not sure what you mean by 'standard account' ? - you either have a seller account or you don't, and all seller accounts have a linked buyer account.
As above reply, advice given by Seller Support is often wrong and misleading. Creating another seller account is NOT the correct way to go about it, as both the accounts will be linked, and both will be deactivated.
Also, as above reply, no-one from Amazon will see your post unless you tag in some forum moderators, and even then they have very limited power to do anything. You need to re-open your support case, and ask for it to be escalated to a manager, and say that you were given wrong advice.
@Angie_Amazon I'd appreciate if you could help. Thank you.
Hope you get everything sorted. I've been using ChatGPT for too long because this reads exactly like half of my responses do 🤣