Read onlyDear Amazon.
I am having issues ungating various products with you recently.
I am needing help with a couple in question which are:
Casio: Case 9920926572 This item keeps being rejected even though the invoice supplied matches everything required by you for a ungate of brand.
Oral B - Case 9920866072 - Again same issue. Keep going around in circles.
Both these invoices are genuine and original and have not been altered in anyway. They are from UK based firms who have provided vat numbers along with company name, address and also mention the product along with the quantity purchased.
I am a experienced seller with over 20,000 units sold in the past year so I am getting a bit frustrated at Amazons strict approach and little information to help deal with each case. Ultimately your holding sales up for my business along with sales money for yourself when a item is sold.
Can you please action this asap.
@Julia_Amzn @Ezra_Amazon