randomly had the deposit method verification sprung on my account, so all money coming in has just stopped,
submitted all the requested info and bank account details as soon as i realised that was the issue (although i had no communication from amazon to say it needed verifying)
contacted seller support numerous times which is a waste of time they just pass you about and say they will raise it, but i hear nothing back
its a new business and i cant wait over a month for my money to come in, when amazon are happily charging my account for fees and ads but wont give me any of my money back
ive waited over the 15 working days period and still nothing, i need it verifying asap can some on help
thank you
@Sarah_Amzncan yo help with this ?
Case id 10890653352
can any of you help im getting desperate here, ive had no money come in for nearly a month now@Julia_Amazon @Julia_Amzn @Ezra_Amazon @Sarah_Amzn @Jessica_Amazon_ @Winston_Amazon
Hi, I had a similar problem recently. I couldn't get my funds for 7 weeks.
I emailed the MD (managingdirector@amazon.co.uk) and it was sorted within 30 hours.
run a search in the forum for this issue, it was very 'popular' at the end of December and the is fix pretty easy, but not something that SS or the mods will help with, in fact they were no help at all.
You will need to check but I think you need to re-enter your bank details as if its a new account (using all the exact same details as are on the account) and submit them. It takes a few hours to get a confirmation that the account is verified then 3 days for you to be able to draw down your money.