Read onlyI'm a new seller with an active listing in the UK. I am enrolled to sell in France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Germany.
While I have FBA inventory in stock in the UK, this inventory is not showing in any of the European marketplaces and so appears as "Out of stock".
When looking at the "Manage your listings" page in the "Remote Fulfilment with FBA" area, the following message appears next to each marketplace:
"We are unable to create an offer for this ASIN in this destination. Please see the details below.
Reasons: This offer has a listing problem in the Remote Fulfilment marketplace.ASINs have Import/Export restrictions that prevent the product from being sold in the selected country.
Instructions: You can visit Manage Your Inventory or Fix Your Product Pages to identify and fix the issue. The SKU will be automatically enrolled once the issue is resolved. Please contact seller support in case you wish to understand more or dispute the restriction."
When I click to manage my inventory and click "Edit", there seem to be no issues. All of the market places are toggled on, but the "Satus" reads "Inactive (out of stock)"
Nothing appears when I click on "Fix Your Product" - there's nothing to fix.
I have tried to find the issue on seller support, but it's not listed.
I do not know what the restrictions on my product are. I'd like to understand them and resolve the issues so I can sell Internationally .
Thank you for any help
Hey there @Seller_rxv5FbVk1VqjT,
Just checking in to see how this went.