Read onlyI'm trying to find how to show number of available variations on my main advert. I have 11 variations so would like " +10 colours/patterns " to show on the advert which at the moment shows only one of the variations and there is no indication that there are 10 more hidden inside the advert. I've looked everywhere - no joy - help!
Hello @Seller_imDJ4ygnXgtfA,
Welcome to the Forums!
I'm Sarah with Amazon.
Have you had the chance to take a look at different help pages and Seller university videos available in Seller Central?
Here are a few:
Add a variation using Variation Wizard
Create product variations using the Add a Product tool
Create variations using product templates
Going through these materials should provide you with a clear understanding of the steps involved in adding variations correctly. Please feel free to reach out if you need any clarification or have additional questions after consulting these resources.
Kind regards,