It has been more than 51 days since I submitted the authorization document and it has not been reviewed yet. After I submitted the information, the page showed that I would receive a reply within one to two days, but why has it been 51 days


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It has been more than 51 days since I submitted the authorization document and it has not been reviewed yet. After I submitted the information, the page showed that I would receive a reply within one to two days, but why has it been 51 days

It has been more than 51 days since I submitted the authorization document and it has not been reviewed yet. After I submitted the information, the page showed that I would receive a reply within one to two days, but why has it been 51 days


Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account for up to 90 days while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why did this happen?

We have taken this measure because one or more of your product listings are in violation of Amazon’s Intellectual Property Policy ( Amazon previously alerted you of these issues through notifications sent to your email address on file on the ASINs below:


Brand: ||

We’re here to help.

If you have questions about this policy or the information requested above, please reference the following:

-- Amazon's Intellectual Property Policy (

-- Intellectual Property for Rights Owners (

-- Create a plan of action (

-- Appeal an account deactivation or listing removal (

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your selling account, please send us the following:

-- The root cause(s) of each of the Intellectual Property policy violations listed above.

-- The actions you have taken to resolve each of the Intellectual Property policy violations listed above.

-- The steps you have taken to prevent each of the Intellectual Property policy violations listed above going forward.

How do I send this information?

Submit this information by following the instructions in the banner on the top of your Account Health page (

Has your account been deactivated in error?

If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation by following the instructions in the banner at the top of your Account Health page ( Your explanation should include the following information:

-- How your account has not violated the Intellectual Property policy.

-- Evidence that shows that your account complies with our Intellectual Property policy.

Hi Jeff,

Hope this email gets a response from you. I am reaching out desperately because I am experiencing a pressing issue with my Amazon seller account that is frustrating and confusing me.

A little background first: I joined Amazon Seller Platform in 2020, starting with a global account. I invested a lot of time and resources into learning about Amazon operations, managing two product lines, attending trade shows, working with factories, and researching products to make them more attractive to customers.

Everything was going great until September 2023, when my seller account was unexpectedly suspended by Amazon’s US team. They cited unverifiable information associated with my account, claiming that no listings or sales history could be found. This resulted in the suspension of all my North American accounts, followed by my global account the next day.

To resolve the issue, I provided all the necessary documentation, including utility bills, invoices, ID, and business documents. After two months of hard work, my account was reinstated, but I had to close all non-European accounts to focus on the European market.

However, I was once again facing suspension, this time from Amazon Belgium, for sales over €150 without a VAT number. I immediately deleted all listings over €150 and corrected the issue to get back online.

Recently, my European account was closed again on May 2, 2024, for selling a children's electric car, despite having all the necessary authorization documents for various models. I promptly uploaded the required documents on May 3, but a month has passed without any response (51 days). In addition, Amazon deleted all my active listings.

I have tried to contact Seller Support via email, but I am always redirected to the Account Health Team, who tell me they cannot help with this issue. I am at my wits' end. Why is it so hard to sell on Amazon despite my compliance with all policies and procedures?

Amazon is known for fairness and integrity, and I believe it has the potential to be better. However, these ongoing issues have severely affected my business and caused a lot of anxiety.

I kindly request that the authorization documents I submitted be reviewed expeditiously and my account be reinstated as soon as possible. It has been 51 days since I submitted the documents, and I have not received a response. If I need any additional information, I'm happy to provide it.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope we can resolve this issue together.


{Moderator Edit (Janina) persönliche Informationen entfernt}

2 replies
Tags:Account Health, Account users, Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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Hallo @Lishaoshangmao

Mein Name ist Rob von Amazon und ich helfe dir gerne bei deiner Anfrage.

Es tut mir leid, von den Problemen zu lesen, mit denen du bei der Deaktivierung Ihres Kontos konfrontiert warst.

Du schreibst, du hast vor mehr als 51 Tagen ein Authorisierungsdokument eingereicht. Verzögerungen dieser Größenordnung sind sehr selten. Es ist möglich, dass ein Problem aufgetreten ist, als das Team versucht hat, dich zu erreichen.

Vergewissere dich, dass du deine Leistungsbenachrichtigungen für mehr als einen Marktplatz überprüft haben. Manchmal werden Leistungsbenachrichtigungen aufgrund eines IT-Problems an den falschen Marktplatz gesendet.

Bitte versuche auch, neue Informationen einzureichen, da das Team deine erste Einreichung möglicherweise aufgrund eines Systemfehlers nicht erhalten hat.

Ich hoffe, diese Information ist hilfreich.

Bitte halte uns über Neuigkeiten zu deinem Fall auf dem Laufenden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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In reply to: Rob_Amazon’s post

Subject: Urgent Follow-Up: Account Review Pending for 96 Days

Dear Amazon Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the status of my account, which has been under review for 96 days without any response or resolution. I have repeatedly provided all the necessary documentation and information to support my appeal, including proof of non-infringement, detailed explanations of the actions taken to resolve the complaint, and evidence of compliance with Amazon's policies.

Despite my continuous efforts to communicate and provide all the required details, I have not received any acknowledgment or feedback from your team. This prolonged delay is not only causing significant disruption to my business operations but is also affecting my ability to participate in the upcoming peak holiday season.

Given the urgency of the situation, I kindly request an immediate review of my account. The busy sales season is fast approaching, and I have already prepared my inventory for delivery to the Amazon warehouse. It is crucial for my business to be active during this period, and I respectfully urge you to expedite the review process.

I value my partnership with Amazon and am fully committed to complying with all platform policies. However, the lack of response over the past 96 days has been extremely frustrating. Please let me know if there is any additional information required from my side to facilitate a quicker resolution.

I look forward to your prompt action on this matter.


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