Read onlyDispute A-Z Claim on order id 026-0350361-8740363. Customer had packaged delivered to freight forwarder. We have picture delivery confirmation from the carrier. Freight forwarder lost package and customer is now filing a-z claim. Need this appealed/escalated as they denied my appeal as i only used the given template.
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Case ID 10549665222
Hello @Seller_AbtPA7PB0OrTf,
I'm Angie, part of the UK forum community. It's a pleasure to greet you.
I have reviewed the claim and order information provided. Please know I have forwarded the request to the A-Z team for a reinvestigation. This does not ensure a different outcome from the one provided on your previous appeal.
Also, I wanted to inform you that your ODR impact was already removed from your previous appeal.
I'll keep you posted on any updates.
Angie 🦋
Hello @Seller_AbtPA7PB0OrTf,
I'm glad to inform you that your concern has been sorted out.
The A-Z team has confirmed there is no impact in your ODR and the charge has been refunded to you.
Best regards,
Angie 🥭
given you astounding actually got an a-z claim and won the appeal, can we ask what evidence was supplied?
Because my current guess is the a-z team were drunk when your appeal came through.