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2 Pallets with 70 Cartons Missing Since Sept 7th – No Response from Amazon! HELP!

Hello fellow sellers,

I’m reaching out to the community because we are truly at a loss with Amazon right now, and I’m hoping for advice or support from those who may have experienced something similar.

On 5th September, UPS delivered 2 pallets containing 70 cartons of home textile products to Amazon, confirmed through UPS LOTS. These products were supposed to be delivered into Amazon's warehouse by 7th September, but here we are, and they're still marked as “in transit.”

We’ve been trying to resolve this issue with Amazon’s support team since 14th September, but we’ve only received one reply – one, in all this time. No updates, no explanation, no clear information on what happened to our stock. Our business depends on these products, and every passing day without an answer is putting us at risk. It’s frustrating, it’s stressful, and frankly, it feels like we’re being ignored.

How can we move forward when such a crucial part of our business is just lost in the system with no help from Amazon? We are genuinely worried about the impact this delay will have, and it’s disappointing to be left in the dark like this.

Has anyone been through this? What should we do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We just want to know where our pallets are and why Amazon isn’t responding.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind regards,

6 replies
Tags:Inventory, Inventory feeds
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@Spencer_AmazonYour respond is required!

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If your dates are correct then, although annoying, you'll have to wait. It's not that uncommon for it to take that long and for the "in transit" not to update.

If they are lost within Amazon then you have to wait 45? days to put a claim in which doesn't usually take that long.

I've had some lost items that stay lost and some where they've refunded that they find later and restock. Others have taken 45 days to get stocked. If it's all packed and labelled correctly then it's pot luck as to how long it takes to end up in stock. They do seem to be slow at the moment.

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Yes we are in the same boat with about 5 large boxes of stock been delivered but untouched since 2nd Sept. Like the replies say their is obviously a backlog and new shipments going over this stock that's just sitting there. Not much really to do but wait. and hopeful they catch up soon. Annoying

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Same thing happened to me 2 months ago with 2 pallets. Took them 6 weeks to process the cartoon. Made tickets & phone calls every day doubt it made a difference.

The day I become eligable for a refund they found & processed the pallet.

Small parcels are processed within 24-48h, pallets seem to be lucky dip atm.

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We had a similar issue. If its gone to one of the LBA's it's probably been redirected for storage until they have capacity to process it. Ours too about 4 weeks to get checked in. It could be the same situation with other centres.

LOTS isn't that useful on the tickets, but I managed to talk to someone on the phone who was helpful and told me during this.

There's nothing you can do I'm afraid but wait.

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2 Pallets with 70 Cartons Missing Since Sept 7th – No Response from Amazon! HELP!

Hello fellow sellers,

I’m reaching out to the community because we are truly at a loss with Amazon right now, and I’m hoping for advice or support from those who may have experienced something similar.

On 5th September, UPS delivered 2 pallets containing 70 cartons of home textile products to Amazon, confirmed through UPS LOTS. These products were supposed to be delivered into Amazon's warehouse by 7th September, but here we are, and they're still marked as “in transit.”

We’ve been trying to resolve this issue with Amazon’s support team since 14th September, but we’ve only received one reply – one, in all this time. No updates, no explanation, no clear information on what happened to our stock. Our business depends on these products, and every passing day without an answer is putting us at risk. It’s frustrating, it’s stressful, and frankly, it feels like we’re being ignored.

How can we move forward when such a crucial part of our business is just lost in the system with no help from Amazon? We are genuinely worried about the impact this delay will have, and it’s disappointing to be left in the dark like this.

Has anyone been through this? What should we do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We just want to know where our pallets are and why Amazon isn’t responding.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind regards,

6 replies
Tags:Inventory, Inventory feeds
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2 Pallets with 70 Cartons Missing Since Sept 7th – No Response from Amazon! HELP!

by Seller_vSLDX5yj1xGJt

Hello fellow sellers,

I’m reaching out to the community because we are truly at a loss with Amazon right now, and I’m hoping for advice or support from those who may have experienced something similar.

On 5th September, UPS delivered 2 pallets containing 70 cartons of home textile products to Amazon, confirmed through UPS LOTS. These products were supposed to be delivered into Amazon's warehouse by 7th September, but here we are, and they're still marked as “in transit.”

We’ve been trying to resolve this issue with Amazon’s support team since 14th September, but we’ve only received one reply – one, in all this time. No updates, no explanation, no clear information on what happened to our stock. Our business depends on these products, and every passing day without an answer is putting us at risk. It’s frustrating, it’s stressful, and frankly, it feels like we’re being ignored.

How can we move forward when such a crucial part of our business is just lost in the system with no help from Amazon? We are genuinely worried about the impact this delay will have, and it’s disappointing to be left in the dark like this.

Has anyone been through this? What should we do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We just want to know where our pallets are and why Amazon isn’t responding.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind regards,

Tags:Inventory, Inventory feeds
6 replies
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@Spencer_AmazonYour respond is required!

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If your dates are correct then, although annoying, you'll have to wait. It's not that uncommon for it to take that long and for the "in transit" not to update.

If they are lost within Amazon then you have to wait 45? days to put a claim in which doesn't usually take that long.

I've had some lost items that stay lost and some where they've refunded that they find later and restock. Others have taken 45 days to get stocked. If it's all packed and labelled correctly then it's pot luck as to how long it takes to end up in stock. They do seem to be slow at the moment.

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Yes we are in the same boat with about 5 large boxes of stock been delivered but untouched since 2nd Sept. Like the replies say their is obviously a backlog and new shipments going over this stock that's just sitting there. Not much really to do but wait. and hopeful they catch up soon. Annoying

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Same thing happened to me 2 months ago with 2 pallets. Took them 6 weeks to process the cartoon. Made tickets & phone calls every day doubt it made a difference.

The day I become eligable for a refund they found & processed the pallet.

Small parcels are processed within 24-48h, pallets seem to be lucky dip atm.

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We had a similar issue. If its gone to one of the LBA's it's probably been redirected for storage until they have capacity to process it. Ours too about 4 weeks to get checked in. It could be the same situation with other centres.

LOTS isn't that useful on the tickets, but I managed to talk to someone on the phone who was helpful and told me during this.

There's nothing you can do I'm afraid but wait.

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@Spencer_AmazonYour respond is required!

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@Spencer_AmazonYour respond is required!

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If your dates are correct then, although annoying, you'll have to wait. It's not that uncommon for it to take that long and for the "in transit" not to update.

If they are lost within Amazon then you have to wait 45? days to put a claim in which doesn't usually take that long.

I've had some lost items that stay lost and some where they've refunded that they find later and restock. Others have taken 45 days to get stocked. If it's all packed and labelled correctly then it's pot luck as to how long it takes to end up in stock. They do seem to be slow at the moment.

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If your dates are correct then, although annoying, you'll have to wait. It's not that uncommon for it to take that long and for the "in transit" not to update.

If they are lost within Amazon then you have to wait 45? days to put a claim in which doesn't usually take that long.

I've had some lost items that stay lost and some where they've refunded that they find later and restock. Others have taken 45 days to get stocked. If it's all packed and labelled correctly then it's pot luck as to how long it takes to end up in stock. They do seem to be slow at the moment.

user profile

Yes we are in the same boat with about 5 large boxes of stock been delivered but untouched since 2nd Sept. Like the replies say their is obviously a backlog and new shipments going over this stock that's just sitting there. Not much really to do but wait. and hopeful they catch up soon. Annoying

user profile

Yes we are in the same boat with about 5 large boxes of stock been delivered but untouched since 2nd Sept. Like the replies say their is obviously a backlog and new shipments going over this stock that's just sitting there. Not much really to do but wait. and hopeful they catch up soon. Annoying

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Same thing happened to me 2 months ago with 2 pallets. Took them 6 weeks to process the cartoon. Made tickets & phone calls every day doubt it made a difference.

The day I become eligable for a refund they found & processed the pallet.

Small parcels are processed within 24-48h, pallets seem to be lucky dip atm.

user profile

Same thing happened to me 2 months ago with 2 pallets. Took them 6 weeks to process the cartoon. Made tickets & phone calls every day doubt it made a difference.

The day I become eligable for a refund they found & processed the pallet.

Small parcels are processed within 24-48h, pallets seem to be lucky dip atm.

user profile

We had a similar issue. If its gone to one of the LBA's it's probably been redirected for storage until they have capacity to process it. Ours too about 4 weeks to get checked in. It could be the same situation with other centres.

LOTS isn't that useful on the tickets, but I managed to talk to someone on the phone who was helpful and told me during this.

There's nothing you can do I'm afraid but wait.

user profile

We had a similar issue. If its gone to one of the LBA's it's probably been redirected for storage until they have capacity to process it. Ours too about 4 weeks to get checked in. It could be the same situation with other centres.

LOTS isn't that useful on the tickets, but I managed to talk to someone on the phone who was helpful and told me during this.

There's nothing you can do I'm afraid but wait.

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