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Incorrect intellectual property violation

Good morning

We sell a product we manufacture with a product name say 'XXXX YYYY' for which we own the trademark name 'XXXX YYYY'. Another party has made an intellectual property complaint because they have the trademark 'XXXX' and our product was delisted. I have submitted our UK trademark number on appeal and it is now 45 days later and we have not yet received any response on the case. Daily calls to the Account Health team and constantly being told it is being escalated and we will receive a response in 72 hours. At our wits end with this, has anyone had any experience of getting Amazon to actually review the appeal or will we just keep having to do this until someone actually looks at the submission?

Thank you for reading

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Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity, Seller Support
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Incorrect intellectual property violation

Good morning

We sell a product we manufacture with a product name say 'XXXX YYYY' for which we own the trademark name 'XXXX YYYY'. Another party has made an intellectual property complaint because they have the trademark 'XXXX' and our product was delisted. I have submitted our UK trademark number on appeal and it is now 45 days later and we have not yet received any response on the case. Daily calls to the Account Health team and constantly being told it is being escalated and we will receive a response in 72 hours. At our wits end with this, has anyone had any experience of getting Amazon to actually review the appeal or will we just keep having to do this until someone actually looks at the submission?

Thank you for reading

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Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity, Seller Support
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Incorrect intellectual property violation

by Seller_VfbmW0VwxROLV

Good morning

We sell a product we manufacture with a product name say 'XXXX YYYY' for which we own the trademark name 'XXXX YYYY'. Another party has made an intellectual property complaint because they have the trademark 'XXXX' and our product was delisted. I have submitted our UK trademark number on appeal and it is now 45 days later and we have not yet received any response on the case. Daily calls to the Account Health team and constantly being told it is being escalated and we will receive a response in 72 hours. At our wits end with this, has anyone had any experience of getting Amazon to actually review the appeal or will we just keep having to do this until someone actually looks at the submission?

Thank you for reading

Tags:Account Health, Product authenticity, Seller Support
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