Read onlyI am having a problem as I was selling on Amazon UK but after a few months I changed my UK store name although all other country accounts remain on the original name I registered the seller account with now they have deactivated my UK account due to multiple accounts on my name it's that same account just store name changed. Every time I submit an appeal amazon keeps asking for more information and I cannot contact support.
Any idea what to do? There was a policy violation of intellectual property theft which i submitted an appeal for but Amazon did not accept and I removed all of my products now they ask me to appeal for that again and then appeal for deactivation but nothing is working as submitted new information option for deactivated account. Amazon support option is also not working it's frustrating.
Hello @Seller_4XXMzn61ErTKG,
Thanks for the thread, do you have any updates on this? Has there been any developments?