Read onlyI received a call from the Account Health Team in June requesting our VAT deregistration certificate to keep our account active. We contacted HMRC to obtain the certificate by mail, which took some time. Unfortunately, while we were waiting, our account was deactivated.
We created a case and uploaded the deregistration certificate, but Amazon responded that we need to use the appeal button. However, when we click the appeal or reactivate button, we encounter an error and cannot proceed.
Here's what happens when I try to reactivate our account:
I click on the "Reactivate Your Account" button.
It takes me to the VAT requirement page.
I click on the "Add VAT Information" page, where the status shows as "Rejected" with my VAT number. This is because we canceled the VAT in 2021.
When I click on the "Fix" button, it asks for our address. We enter the address that HMRC used to mail us the certificate. However, Amazon gives us an error message stating that the address does not match, preventing us from continuing.
When we try to create a case through Amazon, there's only one option to create a case. However, when we do, Amazon replies that this email address is not the correct channel to submit an appeal. I'm stuck and can't continue as instructed.
Has anyone faced a similar issue, and how did you resolve it? My main concern is that I don't want the deactivated UK account to affect my other active accounts.
the addresses do not appear to match up.
Hello @Seller_gw0ErDllN3WuP,
This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.
Could you share the case ID where you sent this appeal or contacted AHS?