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Account Health Rating drop

by Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v


I'm seeking advice from this seller forum regarding a persistent issue with my Account Health Rating (AHR). Over the last two months, my AHR has been dropping by 4 points every week or 10 days, despite having no policy violations and all performance metrics being within acceptable thresholds.

In April, my AHR was 320, but it has now fallen to 272. I've contacted the AHR specialists multiple times, but they consistently tell me it's beyond their scope and to reach out to Seller Central. Seller Central, however, can't identify any reason for the drop. I feel like I'm being passed back and forth between the AHR specialists and Seller Central, with each providing different explanations.

One representative suggested that the drop was due to my MFN orders for 180 days decreasing from 1700+ in April to 1500 in May, even though my total orders (FBA + MFN) in May were higher than in April. Additionally, I have a compliance request where I've submitted an appeal three times to close a listing that we've had no intention of selling for over a year, yet it still appears on my dashboard.

I have screenshots documenting the changes in my AHR every 10 days. If this decline continues, my AHR will soon fall below 200. I need advice from the forum on how to resolve this issue with Amazon. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Tags: Account Health
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In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s post

The AHR takes into account your orders over the last 6 months not just recently.

So you may have had a larger volume of orders from 7-9 months ago that have now left the AHR window.

That is why its dropping. Provided you don't get any policy violations, it shouldn't go below 200.

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In reply to: Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh’s post

Hello thank you for your reply, I just want to understand does it take sales volume as MFN + FBA.?

Seller central representive told me it is only MFN and your MFN droping so your AHR dropping. I am really concerend as many sellers only have FBA. Over last 6 months we have changed in strategy and we do more FBA than MFN. Please let me know if have any insight on it.


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In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s post

Sorry, can't advise there. The help page only makes reference to 'you also gain 4 points for every 200 successful orders you fulfilled over the last 180 days'

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In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s post

It's both MFN and FBA. Yours dropped as your November sales were higher than your May sales.

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In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s post

As per the post above, it will be sales volume. A lot of sellers who get a large boost at Christmas may well see a drop in AHR in the coming weeks.

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In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s post

Yeah it's a weird system, our account health is the best its ever been in years, yet it occasionally drops.

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